Lost your cat: how to act to try to find it as soon as possible?

It’s now been a few hours since you’ve seen your furball, or it’s not home at normal times… In these stressful times, it’s important to stay calm – easier said than done. do, we agree! So to avoid wasting time and try to find your cat as soon as possible, here are some steps that can … Read more

How do I know if my cat is in pain?

Cats are often very secretive animals, even more so when it comes to hiding their pain. Added to this is the fact that it is difficult to make us understand the nature of their illness when they are suffering. But don’t panic, you don’t necessarily need to be a specialist in feline behavior to know if your … Read more

How not to be distracted by your cat when working from home?

Having your human at home all day, what a godsend for a cat constantly in need of cuddles and attention! But between the incessant solicitations and other calls for food, cats can indeed quickly become the enemies of our ability to concentrate… So here is a short survival guide for people who want to maintain good productivity. and … Read more

How to prepare your cat for the arrival of a baby?

Are you expecting a happy event and you don’t know how your hairball will react? Animals are very attentive to changes and particularly feel our emotions. Also, it is important to prepare your cat well for the arrival of a baby in the family. Here are some tips to make it go better.  talk to him, show him … Read more

What are the risks after a cat scratch or bite?

Even if we adore them, it must be recognized that our hairballs can sometimes hurt us while playing or be slightly aggressive. Despite their desire to have fun with us, it happens that their impulses exceed them and that our cats attack us. In addition, it is also possible to be surprised by a feline when you simply … Read more

How to change the mind of someone who doesn’t like cats?

Our felines are very solitary animals and sometimes mistakenly considered bad. Thus, it can be difficult to live with someone who does not share the same love of cats as you. So here are some arguments that should help you get rid of misconceptions about cats.  1/ Cats are ungrateful Although they may seem independent and interested, … Read more

Sterilization of a male cat

Sterilization of the male cat: an operation is entirely external that does not require hospitalization and less anesthesia is needed than the corresponding operation performed on the female. Specifically, the veterinarian, after anesthesia for a few hours, cuts the scrotum, extracts the testicles, closes the cord and vessels, cuts the balls and supplies the cat with antibiotics … Read more

Cats as a gift

Cats as a gift: two are better than one, because they keep each other company and encourage each other, they educate each other and compete in virtuosity. But in order not to scare those who shyly approach the first experience with a cat, it is obviously okay to start with one. It is nice to take it in … Read more

Footprint of the cat

Footprint of the cat, the one that makes us soften, but also the one that makes us furious if we find it on the glass of the car or on the floor just past. But in the garden, on the beach, it’s fine. And even in the snow, it makes us think of a snowcat, perhaps, or a … Read more

Cats colors and genetics

Cat colors, postcard or not, is not an artistic question but a genetic one. Without detracting from the beauty of these animals and not even wanting to reduce the magic of the legends that have been built around the history of cats, it is interesting to know how they are formed. Who decides them and if they affect the … Read more