This is why you should wash your cat’s bowls every day

It’s a habit you picked up from day one with your cat: you very rarely wash their water and food bowls. Most often, when there are food remains stuck to the bottom of the container, you simply rinse it with cold water while telling yourself that it is more than enough. Well, be aware that by doing so you are exposing your cat to more or less serious health problems. 

Cats are neat freaks

If your cat refuses to eat or drink from their bowls, it may just be because they aren’t clean enough. Just as it would refuse to defecate in a poorly cleaned litter box. Indeed, the cat is a real cleanliness freak. It hates coming into contact, directly or indirectly, with anything dirty. It’s not for nothing that it grooms itself every day, and even several times a day!

And then, be honest, would you like to eat from the same plate every day and drink from the same glass? And this for several weeks? Even if you don’t smell it and your cat’s bowls seem “clean”, be aware that it has a much more developed sense of smell than yours. At the slightest suspicious smell, it does not hesitate to ignore their meal.

And it’s right… Indeed, what it smells is not only the invisible leftover food that is molding, but it is also the many bacteria that are growing. Because, if you don’t clean your cat’s bowls every day with hot water and with a disinfectant product that is not dangerous for them, the bacteria will have a blast and multiply.

However, if your feline were forced to eat or drink from these bowls, it could fall ill. Indeed, some bacteria can be particularly harmful to them. But also for you! Bacteria are transmitted by simple contact, don’t forget that…

Ban plastic bowls

Plastic bowls are very common among cat owners. And for good reason, they are inexpensive, strong and light. However, they are real breeding grounds for bacteria, just like ceramic bowls. Indeed, the bacteria lodge in the smallest streak and are then difficult to eliminate, even after cleaning. In addition, it is not uncommon for cats to be allergic to plastic!

So, it is better to favor stainless steel bowls for your cat, known for their antimicrobial properties. In addition, always make sure that the bowl or the bowl is wide enough so that your tomcat does not have their whiskers touching the edges, it hates that!

Cat BreedsCat Food and Nutrition
Tips for Cat OwnersCat Training
Cat BehaviorKittens
Cat HealthCat Grooming
Cat AdoptionTravel with Cat
Holiday Season- Cat

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