10 signs that show that your cat has become old

A cat is considered to fall into the “Seniors” category when it is 7 years old. However, age is not the only indicator, many signs can alert you to the aging of your cat. Learn to recognize them in order to offer a golden retirement to your hairball. 

1. It (almost) doesn’t wash anymore

We know that cats are neat freaks. Their hygiene must be impeccable, which means washing several times a day. If you notice that your cat is grooming less than usual, it’s a sign that something is wrong. If it is old, it can be a simple consequence of old age or a sign of an illness. In any case, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

2. It sleeps more

An adult cat sleeps between 15 and 18 hours a day. But as a cat ages, they may extend their naps a bit longer and sleep more than 20 hours a day. In this case, do not try to wake them up, if it is sleeping, it needs it.

3. It doesn’t play anymore

Just like us, cats have less energy as they get older. It is therefore normal that your usually mischievous tomcat gradually stops playing. Hunting is no longer a priority for them, it tires them too much.

4. It meows at night

It’s not just the cat’s body that’s aging, but its brain as well. Thus, it is not uncommon for older cats to get into the habit of meowing loudly for no reason, most often in the middle of the night. This is called nocturnal wandering and it is a sign that the animal is disoriented.

5. It has trouble getting around

With age, pain (joints, muscles, etc.) appears, making it more difficult to simply jump, walk or climb stairs. Balance disorders may also appear. So, do not hesitate to install your cat’s bowls at ground level so as not to force them to jump to access them.

6. It hears worse

Deafness can occur from birth, following an accident, an illness but also because of old age.

7. It sees less well

Like deafness, blindness usually appears with age. In this case, arrangements are necessary in the house to prevent your cat from bumping into dangerous objects.

8. It eats less

Old age almost inevitably leads to a loss of appetite in cats. Indeed, not only is digestion more difficult, but dental problems also appear, preventing your hairball from chewing food effectively.

9. It has dull hair

We often recognize a healthy cat by its coat: it must be shiny and silky. But an older cat tends to see its coat dull and become rough. White hairs may even appear on its coat, similar to white hair in humans.

10. It gets messy

If your cat suddenly starts leaving its litter box and leaving you small pees to clean up all over the house, don’t scold it. Many reasons can explain such behavior in older cats, including urinary tract infectionsenility or urinary incontinence.

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