Nebelung Cat food and nutrition

Nutrition of the Nebelung cat, the secrets of a perfect physical shape thanks to an adequate diet for this wonderful cat breed.

In this article we will describe specifically the feeding of the Nebelung cat, the frequency of meals and the appropriate doses for this breed.

We will see how important it is to know the eating habits of your cat and how much this affects to ensure that your cat has a healthy and long-lasting life.

Proper nutrition allows us to have an animal next to us that is not only healthy but also with a radiant appearance.

What to feed the Nebelung cat

It may seem strange but each breed needs different attentions concerning both the care and the feeding.

Although all cats benefit from the same foods (unless there are problems of intolerances and allergies on the part of the cat) or a consumption mainly of meat and animal proteins, the same cannot be said for the quantities and frequency of meals.

In feeding cats in general and also for the Nebelung cat, the order of nutritional values ​​to be administered at each meal must be :

  • proteins : they are basic as they are useful for the formation and maintenance of muscles, other tissues, blood but also for the regeneration and conservation of body cells and tissues.
  • fats : they are a source of necessary energy and are mainly responsible for the transport of substances in the body as well as for the support and development of the joints and the nervous system;
  • carbohydrates : they are an immediate source of energy to face a sudden effort such as a run, a chase, an escape, a sudden stress, etc.
  • minerals : essential for the development and maintenance of tissues;
  • vitamins: useful for keeping the immune system strong and healthy. However, it is necessary to use it appropriately, perhaps by contacting the veterinarian.

In order to ensure all these values ​​in the right quantity and guarantee a good state of health to the Nebelung cat , there are many people who prefer to buy dry or wet cat food (on sale in specialized stores for pet products).

In this way you can be sure of offering a complete and balanced meal to your cat.

Other people, on the other hand, prefer to prepare cat recipes with fresh products, such as: chicken, turkey, beef, salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, liver, lungs, heart and other offal.

Without forgetting that the cat’s diet must be varied and therefore must also contain fresh fruit and vegetables.

Experts say that alternating dry and wet cat food eases the gastrointestinal tract and aids in food digestion.

It is essential, in the case of the Nebelung cat, not to overdo the doses, as we will see in the next paragraph.

Feeding the Nebelung cat: doses and frequency of meals

The Nebelung is a medium-sized cat with a muscular but agile build, so the amount of food must be adequate for its needs.

The Nebelung cat, like other breeds, requires a specific amount of food for physical activity, age, gender and state of health.

In the case of the Nebelung, the doses and the frequency of meals will be similar only to those cat breeds that show a certain liveliness and dynamism , such as the Siamese.

Experts generally recommend administering 3 and 4 servings a day, from 25 to 30 grams each, in the first months of the cat ‘s life .

Subsequently, every day 160 g of wet food or alternatively dry food (croquettes).

After 7 years, the diet of the elderly cat must be adapted to his needs, in order to guarantee him a state of good health.

Obviously, these are general and generalized indications, which must then be revised if necessary for the specific case.

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