Nutrition of the Nebelung Cat: food, quantity, frequency of meals

What to feed the Nebelung cat: here are all the tips on the perfect nutrition for this very greedy feline breed.

Planning a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet for your four-legged friend is essential for your cat to always be strong and healthy: here is everything you need to know about the ideal Nebelung diet.

Power of the Nebelung: quantity and frequency

To find the perfect nutrition for the Nebelung cat, it is essential to reflect on when and how much to feed the cat.

The ideal frequency would be twice a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

Alternatively, some domestic cats like to always have food available, to snack on periodically.

One solution, therefore, consists in dividing the animal’s daily ration into small portions, to be given to him during the day.

If you spend a few hours away from home, that’s no problem: you can make use of practical automatic kibble dispensers.

What is the correct dose of food to be given to the Nebelung? This is a fundamental aspect, because the specimens of this breed are very greedy.

The best advice is to contact the veterinarian, who will identify the most suitable amount for the furry dog, based on parameters such as age, lifestyle and health conditions of the cat.

In general, for the dose of wet you should multiply 40 grams for each kg of weight of the feline. Once the quantity has been obtained, simply divide the figure by 3 and find out how many grams of dry food are ideally intended for the four-legged.

What to feed the Nebelung

Which foods are included in the Nebelung’s ideal diet? Being a domestic cat, it is essential that its diet is rich in animal proteins.

Green light to meat, especially chicken, beef and turkey. Less regularly, the cat may be given fish, such as sea bass, sea bream and salmon.

Depending on your habits, you can choose to administer ready-made foods, choosing the feed directly from the shelves of pet shops, or to opt for a Nebelung home diet.

In this case, it is essential to plan the cat’s diet together with the veterinarian, identifying essential nutrients to be included in his meals.

In fact, there are some substances, such as niacin and cobalamin, which are very important for the animal’s well-being, but that the cat needs to take from food because its body cannot synthesize them by itself.

It is good to be careful: their possible deficiency can have very serious repercussions on the health of the feline.

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