Hyperactive cat: what solutions?

Does your cat seem to have too much energy? Between your curtains that it does not hesitate to tear down, your plant pots that end up on the ground or your sofa that endures their claws without batting an eyelid, you begin to wonder if your cat is not hyperactive. Here are some unmistakable clues and solutions to calm your little ball of fur (or rather energy!).

How do you know if your cat is hyperactive?

Your cat is on permanent alert, unable to concentrate, reacts to the slightest noise, keeps meowing and moving? Your feline may suffer from hyperactivity. Here are some other symptoms that can characterize a hyperactive cat:

  • Regular falling objects
  • Frequent attacks, irritation
  • Turns on itself without stopping
  • very short sleep
  • Bulimia
  • untimely exploration
  • Meows and other vocalizations.

What causes hyperactivity in cats?

Several causes can explain the phenomenon of hyperactivity in cats. In particular a too rapid weaning: the kitten seeks contact by meowing, or by attracting the attention of its owner without allowing itself to be stroked. Another cause of hyperactivity can be explained by the presence of intestinal worms. In the cat, hyperactivity can appear as soon as the heat arrives.

What solutions to calm your hyperactive cat?

Depending on the cause of the hyperactivity, several solutions are available to you.

CBD to soothe your hyperactive cat

Some cat breeds are more nervous than others, especially Siamese and other Oriental breeds. This hyperactivity does not present any danger to the health of your very active cat, you will just have to get used to their repeated bursts of madness! For example, you can try to soothe their ardor with cbd for cats, an adaptogenic plant with naturally calming properties. CBD would indeed act on the cat as a natural anti-stress, would improve the quality of its sleep and could help it to treat its loss of appetite.

Deworm your cat to remedy hyperactivity

Is your cat hyperactive due to the presence of intestinal worms? In this specific case, the solution could not be simpler: deworming! A solution that will also eliminate one of the first causes of hyperactivity.

The case of too rapid weaning

If a cat has been weaned too soon, separation from its mother can have negative effects such as hyperactivity. The kitten meows, cries or is aggressive, it seeks contact. In this case, a long-term behavioral therapy with a specialized veterinarian promises to be the best solution. Some veterinarians sometimes prescribe medication for hyperactive cats. It’s up to you to weigh the pros and cons of such treatment.

Treating cat hyperactivity during heat

If your cat is consistently overactive during their heat, you may want to consider having them sterilized. This common surgical operation will allow them to regain a calm and serene attitude. Again, this decision is something to think about, weighing the pros and cons with your veterinarian.

The famous quarter of an hour of madness, a normal phenomenon in cats

Not all excessive activity is a sign of unhealthy hyperactivity. As you have certainly noticed, it is very common for cats to be subject to a quarter of an hour of madness at nightfall! Marathon from room to room, leaps or climbing, this little general release is completely normal as long as it does not last. Give free rein to the overflowing imagination of your tomcat, provided that there is no breakage with each release!

The hyperactivity of the cat is no longer a fatality when we know its cause and its remedies!

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