The cat vomits whole food: causes and solutions

If the feline vomits after eating there is probably something wrong. Let’s see together why the cat vomits whole food and what to do about it.

It is possible to notice vomiting in the feline very often, as it is a very frequent pathology in our four-legged friends. It happens that your cat vomits hairballs, because of their habit of cleaning themselves by licking themselves, in this way they ingest hairs that expel through vomiting.

Other times it may happen instead that your furry friend vomits the whole food, just as it ingested it. Let’s see together what are the causes of this type of vomiting and what needs to be done about it.

Cat vomits after eating: causes

First of all it is necessary to know how to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting. The first does not have retching and may indicate healthy problems for the cat such as:

  • Myasthenia gravis in cats
  • Feline dysautonomia

While in the case of vomiting, before the latter occurs the cat will present salivation, sometimes nausea and retching. If your cat eats quickly and after eating vomits the food as well as ingests it, it probably has hairballs in the stomach, which it has not expelled and which obstruct the entry of food into the latter.

If your four-legged friend does not have the habit of eating quickly and does not have hairballs inside his body, the causes of vomiting whole food can be:

  • Gastritis in the cat
  • Intolerances
  • Food allergies of the cat
  • Errors in the diet

In addition, if your furry friend vomits whole food after a few hours and does not produce feces, it is likely that the cat has a foreign body in the body that obstructs it. In any case, if the cat often has this condition, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian.

Cat vomits whole food: what to do

As we said earlier, vomiting is very frequent in the feline and care must be taken if the cat vomits hairballs or the entire food ingested. In the event that the cat vomits food very often and has other symptoms such as:

  • Dehydration in the cat
  • Lack of feces
  • Abbacchiamento

It is necessary to contact the veterinarian. The latter through the appropriate examinations such as: ultrasounds, blood tests, stool tests, x-rays, can diagnose the cause of vomiting in the cat.

The therapy that the specialist will prescribe will depend on the cause that provoked the vomiting in the cat, and of course the veterinarian will also take care of treating the cause. It is very important not to give medicines to the feline without the prescription of the veterinarian, to avoid complicating the situation.

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