Nutrition of the Burmese Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

What is the ideal diet for the Burmese cat? Let’s find out what to feed the Sacred of Burma to keep it strong and healthy.

The Sacred of Burma is a cat with a magnetic appearance and a fascinating character. Tend to be healthy, it is necessary to take care of the Burmese cat’s diet in detail to ensure that his life is long and serene. Here’s what to know about the best feeds to be given to specimens of this breed, and about the quantity and frequency of meals.

Nutrition of the Burmese cat: doses and frequency of meals

What is the best time of day to feed your four legs? What are the ideal amounts for this cat?

Typically, cats should be fed wet food twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. The ideal would be to choose fixed times, in order to regularize the time of meals.

As for dry food, since the Burmese likes to make small snacks during the day, it would be preferable to divide his daily ration into portions, to be given to him throughout the day.

When it comes to the ideal amount of food, it is difficult to determine at the outset what the perfect dose is for your four-legged friend.

The feeding planning of the Burmese cat, in fact, should take into account numerous factors related to the individual specimen, such as lifestyle, age, health conditions.

For this reason, the best advice is to ask the veterinarian’s opinion, who will be able to formulate a specific food plan for your pet.

In any case, the ideal amount of food for this breed tends to be between 40-60 grams for each kg of body weight.

What to feed the Sacred of Burma

What are the foods that cannot be missing in a healthy, balanced and tasty diet, which is specifically formulated for the Burmese cat?

First of all, it must be specified that, just like the other members of its species, the Sacred of Burma is a carnivore. For this, his diet must be mainly based on the intake of lean meat.

Among the most suitable foods for the four-legged are: chicken, rabbit and beef. The consumption of fish is also allowed, albeit to a lesser extent. It is advisable to prefer foods such as cod, sole and hake.

Among the other essential nutrients in the diet of the Burmese cat are: vegetable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and water.

Depending on your preferences, you can opt for a diet that involves the administration of industrial feed, or a home-made diet, based on the preparation of meals to be given to your cat.

In this case, the food plan must be drawn up with the help of the veterinarian, since the risk of nutritional deficiencies that could affect the cat’s health is very real. 

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