Nutrition of the Anatolian Shorthair Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

What is the perfect nutrition for the Anatolian Shorthair? Let’s find out what to know about the diet of this feline breed.

There are a number of important considerations to make, to identify a valid and healthy nutritional plan for our four-legged friend. Here are all the evaluations that will allow us to plan the ideal nutrition for the Anatolian Shorthair.

Feeding of the Anatolian Shorthair: doses and frequency

Making sure that our cat’s diet is healthy, nutritious and balanced is essential to guarantee the cat’s health and well-being.

How much and when should we feed the four-legged, to ensure that it is energetic and in strength, without risking that it accumulates excess weight?

Regarding the frequency, the ideal would be to feed him twice a day, preferably morning and evening.

Alternatively, if our furry friend prefers it, we can give him the baby food at regular intervals.

In this case, it will be enough to divide his daily ration into small portions, even using an automatic kibble dispenser.

Regarding the ideal quantity, it would be advisable to consult your veterinarian.

By doing so, the expert will evaluate strictly individual parameters, related to the age, health and lifestyle of the Anatolian Shorthair, in order to plan a personalized diet based on the needs of the cat.

In general, however, it is advisable to calculate the dose of wet by multiplying each kg of the animal’s weight by 40 grams.

To identify the amount of dryness, the dose will then be divided by 3.

What to feed the cat

What foods should we include in the Anatolian Shorthair’s diet?

First of all, green light for meat and fish: domestic cats, in fact, are obligate carnivores because they need to introduce animal proteins through their diet, which they are unable to produce themselves.

Their body needs nutrients such as niacin, thiamin and cobalamin, which are essential for their psychophysical well-being.

In addition to protein, cats should have small amounts of fat and low amounts of carbohydrates.

It goes without saying, therefore, that human nutrition is not only unsuitable for feline consumption, but even dangerous, because it contains a series of toxic and harmful foods for the cat’s health.

Home or industrial nutrition for the Anatolian Shorthair

Which diet to choose for the Anatolian Shorthair, between housewife and industrial?

Here’s how to decide based on a number of factors:

  • The home diet requires a greater waste of time, because it requires us to take care of the preparation of meals for the four-legged, from the purchase of the ingredients to their cooking. The industrial feeding for the Anatolian Shorthair, on the other hand, is faster, because it will be enough to buy ready-made feed from the supermarket shelves;
  • The choice of raw materials allows us to identify quality foods for our furry dog, following each stage of food processing. The industrial diet requires careful checking of the list of ingredients and the nutritional table on the back of the package. By doing so, we will make sure that the product is of first choice;
  • Ready-made feeds are perfectly balanced and contain all the nutrients the animal needs to stay healthy. The home diet, to be balanced, must have been planned by the vet. Without the intervention of an expert, in fact, the cat could develop nutritional deficiencies that are dangerous for its health.

As we have seen, the choice of one or the other way to feed the cat depends on our specific needs, but also on the advice of the veterinarian, which we should always consult before making any important decision for the health of the four-legged.

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