Ideal feeding of the Burmese Cat: food, quantity, frequency of meals

What to feed the Burmese cat, to ensure that its diet is rich, nutritious and balanced? Here’s what to know.

The Burmese is a cat with an important nutritional requirement, due to its active and lively temperament. At the same time, however, he is also extremely greedy: the risk of obesity is very real. For this, it is essential to plan the best possible nutrition for your Burmese cat. Let’s find out together ideal foods, doses and frequency of meals.

Nutrition of the Burmese cat: doses and frequency of meals

The ideal diet of the Burmese cat should necessarily take into account the quantities of food to be given to your four legs.

Generally, the cat should eat around 40-50 grams of baby food for every kilo of body weight.

In any case, it is preferable to consult the veterinarian to obtain a personalized nutritional plan, which takes into account a series of specific parameters such as age, weight, health conditions and lifestyle of the cat.

How often should you feed Burmese? The ideal frequency is twice a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

This way, you won’t run the risk that your cat may wake you up in the middle of the night because he’s hungry. If you prefer, you can resort to special kibble dispensers, from which the animal will be supplied directly.

Many cats, in fact, prefer to have small snacks during the day, to be able to make better use of all the energy deriving from food intake.

What foods to include in the cat’s diet

What foods should we give to the Burmese cat, to ensure that his diet is truly complete and nutritious?

First, keep in mind that the cat is a carnivorous animal. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant health problems, we must avoid giving our four-legged friend foods too rich in carbohydrates and fiber.

On the contrary, his diet should be based primarily on the intake of fresh and lean meat, such as chicken, rabbit and beef.

Depending on our needs, we can choose to prepare the meals to be administered to the Burmese cat by ourselves, through a home diet.

In this case, green light for offal, heart and lungs; in fact, they are very nutritious foods and rich in vitamin B12, essential for the well-being of the cat.

However, since this type of diet, if not carefully planned, could lead to food deficiencies, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Alternatively, we can opt for industrial feed to be given to our four-legged friend. Naturally, it will be necessary to examine the ingredients used for their preparation, choosing fresh and top quality food.

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