Why are some cats obsessed with plastic bags?

As soon as you take out a plastic bag, does your cat jump on it, or even start licking or chewing it? Do you even sometimes find traces of teeth on your plastic bags? Rest assured, your cat is not crazy. In reality, 3 reasons can explain such behavior.  Please note that it is strongly advised not to … Read more

Why does your cat put his toys in its bowl?

Sometimes your cat will engage in some really weird behaviors. Thus, it has a habit of carrying their toys in their mouth to their bowl of water or food and dropping them there. Either it creates a small flood, or their toy is good to go in the washing machine. In any case, you can’t understand why it acts … Read more

Why do cats like to sleep on warm surfaces?

It’s a fact, cats love basking in the sun. As soon as they find a warm surface on which to lie down, they do not hesitate for a second. It can be a radiator or even a table heated by the sun, as long as they feel a gentle warmth flooding them. But why do they like it … Read more

My cat eats insects: is it dangerous?

The cat is a born hunter. Thus, it is not surprising that it is attracted from time to time by insects which make excellent prey. Indeed, a fly, a spider, an ant or even a bug have the merit of moving quickly and therefore make any feline want to chase them. While some cats will just kill them, … Read more

Can cats be autistic?

We now know that cats can also be victims of mental and emotional disorders identical to those of humans, such as depression. So why wouldn’t autism be one of them! What is autism? Autism is a developmental disorder of the central nervous system that usually appears in early childhood. This disorder mainly results in difficulties in bonding with others and communicating. But these … Read more

My cat is attacking its tail: 5 reasons why

For some time now, your cat has been adopting a strange behavior: it is chasing their own tail! Even if at first you found it cute, it now becomes somewhat disturbing. Especially since it sometimes even goes so far as to bite their tail and injure itself… To solve the problem, it is essential to understand … Read more

Why do cats sometimes sleep with their eyes open?

Who has never watched their cat sleep? Not only does this have a particularly soothing effect, but you can also observe your hairball at your leisure, all without being seen. Well, that’s what you think… Because it sometimes happens that your feline opens its eyes slightly in its sleep. And it even seems to you that it is … Read more

My cat sleeps in her litter box: should I be worried?

Cats are known to sleep in strange places: cardboard boxes, bathroom sinks, shoes… But some go even further and even venture to sleep in their own litter box. In this case, even if it may seem amusing at first glance, there are questions to be asked. Indeed, cats are famous for their obsession with hygiene. However, sleeping where … Read more

Why is my cat meowing very loudly?

Certain cat breeds are more talkative than others, that’s a fact. However, it is not because they need to express themselves throughout the day that they hurt our ears. In this sense, if your cat tends to meow excessively loudly, it is certainly not to annoy you. But, even if it is not necessarily a cause for concern, it … Read more

Why do cats stretch so often?

Every time your cat wakes up, even after having dozed off for a few minutes, he always adopts the same ritual: it stretches out full length. But why? How does this feel to them? And is that why it’s amazingly flexible? Answers! 1. It improves blood circulation Your cat stretches almost every time it gets up after sitting or lying down for … Read more