When the cat is about to die: signs and why they want to be alone

Very often those who have a cat wonder why these animals become isolated when the time of the end approaches: this is just one of the signs of when the cat is about to die.

While we would never want to think about it, it must be recognized that sooner or later the end comes for everyone, even for our beloved pets. Cats in particular, compared to humans, feel clearly when the time of death is approaching for them and that is why they tend to isolate themselves in the period preceding their death.

But the tendency to want to be alone is certainly not the only sign that indicates when the cat is about to die: there are some typical behaviors that it is good to know how to recognize, considering that in this difficult moment it is easy to think that the cat could in reality, to feel the need to have close to the human family who loved him so much during his life.

What happens when a cat is about to die? Irrefutable signs

According to popular belief, cats get away from everything and everyone when they are about to die because they prefer to face that moment alone: ​​in reality, cats would like to be comforted in a tragic and frightening moment like that of death, but their natural instincts them. It leads to hiding from potential predators when they are so sick that they no longer have the strength to defend themselves or escape.

This is why knowing how to recognize the signs that precede the death of the cat is essential: we could be able to stay close to it even at that moment, after a life together, obviously if it is not one of those cases of sudden death of the cat.

So what are the signs that should not be underestimated to understand when a cat is about to die?

1. Changes in personality

When a cat is sick, its usual behavior changes: for example, cats that are about to die or that are seriously ill avoid physical contact and cuddling, being particularly irritable when trying to approach them. This does not necessarily mean that the cat does not want to be touched: sometimes, it is plausible that it feels pain on contact.

Another example is the personality change of normally very independent cats, who suddenly become cuddly and in need of attention. Finally, pay attention to the cat who can no longer eat alone: ​​if the cat eats only in your presence, or even only if you are feeding him the food, it is likely that he is really very sick.

2. The cat hides

When a cat is very sick or is about to die, it is likely that it tends to hide often: this behavior derives from its need to rest in a quiet and comfortable place, where it cannot be disturbed. Usually, cats prefer to hide in cool, shady places.

A cat that is about to die and hides must be looked for because it may no longer even move to eat, drink or use the litter box: this is why it becomes essential to look for it with care and attention.

If the cat is used to going out, it may be difficult to bring it home: it usually hides under bushes or under a parked car.
If, on the other hand, the cat is used to being indoors, the typical hiding places are under the bed, in the wardrobes, in the attic and in the cellar: let’s not forget that cats love high places.

3. Eating behavior

Cats have some strange eating habits, but often the change when they are very sick or are about to die is based on rejection: if the cat hides and, even when you have found it, still refuses to eat and drink even if bring him his favorite food, the end is very likely to be near.

If, on the other hand, the cat refuses food and water for just one day, but then resumes eating quietly, there is no need to worry. In general, you should contact your vet if your cat does not eat for two days in a row.
Attention, then, to the water: if the cat settles down next to the bowl it is likely that he is sick or is about to die.

4. Changes in physical appearance

Everyone knows that cats are animals that are very attentive to personal care and hygiene: if the cat has an unkempt appearance, then, it is sending a very specific signal of discomfort. The problem is that he is too weak to take care of himself and his coat.

Also pay attention to any dull spots on the cat’s coat: if your cat does not have enough strength to reach the litter box, it could pee on itself and the urine stains would make the fur opaque.

Another sign not to be underestimated concerns the cat’s eyes: if the pupils appear dilated, the eyes glassy and sunken, if touching the corner of the eye the cat does not react by blinking, it is likely that it is already unconscious.

5. Convulsions

When a cat is about to die, bad episodes of seizures often occur: if the seizures occur only once within 3 or 4 months it is not a worrying sign, but if the convulsions recur almost daily there is something wrong.

The convulsions of the cat are recognized because the cat begins to meow loudly and throws its head back, arching its back: usually the animal remains unconscious for the duration of the crisis. After such an episode it is good to consult your veterinarian.

How to take care of the dying cat

If a cat is about to die from an illness that has run its course, or from old age, there isn’t much you can do but accompany your cat while nature takes its course. The best thing to do is to give the cat a quiet and comfortable place to settle down.

Make the cat feel your presence, but don’t touch it too much and don’t be intrusive: give it small caresses from time to time, so that it can feel reassured by your presence and go through this moment without anxiety and fear.
When the time comes, stay with him until the end: he will appreciate your company and will know that he is not alone.

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