What Fruits can Cats eat?

Fruit can be a vitamin and fiber supplement for your cat. Let’s see together what fruit cats can eat.

Fruit is not a food generally included in the cat’s diet, as the latter is carnivorous and therefore needs animal proteins. Nevertheless, fruit can be added to your diet.

Before doing this, however, it is important to know what are the fruits that the feline can eat, to prevent the cat from eating a fruit that is toxic for him. Let’s see together what fruit cats can eat.

Fruits that cats can eat: the list

If you have decided to add fruit to your cat’s diet, it is important to know that you must gradually introduce the food so that the cat’s stomach can get used to it. This is because it could happen that the cat, who has never eaten fruit in his life, could have vomiting and diarrhea.

Furthermore, it must be remembered that fruit contains sugar and to prevent the feline from suffering from diabetes, it is necessary not to give it too much. Here is a small list of fruits that cats can eat, always in moderation.

  1. Banana
  2. Blueberries
  3. Orange
  4. Apple
  5. Pear
  6. Strawberry
  7. Apricot


Banana is a fruit that can greatly help your beloved cat’s body. In fact, the potassium present in this fruit is very useful for the kidneys and heart of the cat. Furthermore, banana is also an excellent food for overweight cats, as it offers a feeling of satiety. However, it is important to give the feline small amounts of this food as it is full of carbohydrates and sugar.


Blueberries are the right food for those who want to have a cat that is always young, as they contain a high number of antioxidants that slow down the aging of the feline. In addition, this fruit prevents diseases such as cancer, and is an aid for inflammation of the urinary tract in the cat.

Although blueberries are beneficial for the cat, you must always pay attention to the quantities. In fact, an excessive consumption of blueberries by the feline can cause damage to its health.


Although the orange has an unpleasant smell for cats, this fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is useful for strengthening the immune system and is also useful for eliminating toxins from the cat’s body. For this reason it would be advisable to offer the orange to your four-legged friend, always in moderation, taking care to give the cat only the pulp of the fruit.


Apple is the right fruit for older cats, who are overweight or have a slow metabolism. This is because apples contain a lot of fiber and are low in sugar. It also contains vitamins A and C useful for the maintenance of the bones and tissues of the feline. As with any fruit that contains seeds, it is necessary to remove the seeds before offering the apple to the cat.


Another food belonging to the list of fruits that cats can eat is pear . This fruit in addition to being rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber is also rich in water. Precisely for this last characteristic, the pear is excellent for the functioning of the feline intestine. Also in this case, as for the apple, it is necessary to eliminate the seeds before you give the fruit to the cat.


Strawberry belongs to the list of fruits that cats can eat, as it is rich in vitamin C and fiber. This fruit is great for slowing down the aging process in cats and for strengthening their immune system. Even if strawberries are not toxic to cats, it is necessary, like any other fruit, to give them in small quantities.


Apricot is also one of the fruits on our tables that cats can eat. As this fruit is rich in potassium, beta-carotene and vitamin A.

However, it is very important to pay attention both to the quantities, as for any other fruit, and to the stone and the leaves of the apricot as they are toxic for our four-legged friend.

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