The old cat is cold: this is what needs to be done

Is your senior cat cold? Here’s how to understand it and help it deal with the freezing days.

Cats in general are very sensitive to cold as they lack a double layer of fur that could protect them from the cold air.

But the older cat can suffer more from this situation. So let’s see what happens to the cat with advanced age when temperatures drop and what can be done about it.

The elderly cat is cold: how to understand it

As previously mentioned, all felines are sensitive to cold but older cats are more at risk, as their immune systems weaken due to their age.

It is also very important to be careful of older cats who have diseases, as the immune defenses are lowered and the cat could catch a cold.

To understand if your feline is cold, it is necessary to observe him carefully. If you have the symptoms listed below, you should definitely take action.

  • Tremor
  • Dry nose
  • It is wrapped in sheets or blankets
  • Choose heated areas

What to do if the senior cat is cold

The best way to prevent older cats from catching cold is to close windows and doors so that there is no power.

However, it is necessary to open the curtains and let in the solar radiation, so that the cat can be placed in the places of the house heated by the sun.

In the event that the elderly cat remains alone in the house, it is necessary not to leave the heaters on to avoid any accidents.

To warm up your cat, you could leave hot water bottles or blankets around the house, so that your four-legged friend can warm up.

If the cat has a habit of sleeping with you, you can add a duvet or a blanket to make sure that the cat is no longer cold.

 The healthy diet

To ensure that the senior cat can overcome low temperatures, offering him a healthy and balanced diet is very important.

In fact, the nutritional completeness of the food and the right caloric intake mean that the feline does not have to use its reserves to fight the cold.

It is necessary to know that an elderly cat, especially in the cold months, does not do a lot of physical activity, so it is advisable not to increase the daily doses of food in order not to find an obese cat.

In the event that your feline, despite its age, is very active and enters and leaves the house, it is advisable to take some supplements prescribed by the veterinarian to avoid any energy deficiencies.

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