The cat is attracted to bleach: reasons and what to do if he drinks it

The cat is attracted to bleach: what are the real reasons and what to do if the animal drinks this chemical compound? Let’s see what attracts the animal and how to rescue it.

The cat is one of the most curious animals on earth and it is precisely this characteristic that very often drags it into many big troubles. Sometimes very funny other times quite dangerous. Being able to observe this animal in action all day, is something surprising.

The cat is constantly looking for hiding places and places to explore, its predatory nature is very strong and unstoppable, which is why it is very easy that at least once a day you can hunt in some trouble, seen and considered that it is fascinated by everything that is dangerous or toxic. As for example, did you know that the cat is attracted to bleach? What are the real reasons for this attraction and what should be done if you drink this toxic solution? Let’s find out together in the next paragraphs.

The cat is attracted to bleach: the reasons

As we have previously mentioned, the cat is attracted to everything that could endanger its life. It is not just a way of saying that curiosity killed the cat, but it is pure truth. Very often it happens to run to the vet because the cat has swallowed some object or some toxic substance.

In this article, in fact, we will deal with the reasons why the cat is attracted to bleach and what makes this substance toxic so that it can be fatal to the animal. Bleach is a straw yellow liquid, recognizable because of its acrid and persistent smell.

This liquid is mainly composed of sodium hypochlorite, which without going into specifics, is the element that makes bleach, ideal for different uses, such as bleaching laundry and disinfecting floors and sanitary ware. Bleach is a rather aggressive product with our garments, let alone what it can cause if ingested.

We know well the capabilities of our cat, that’s why it is necessary to arrange very well and as far and unreachable, all our products for personal and home hygiene, in order to prevent our pet from coming into contact and ingesting them. In the case of this chemical compound, the cat is attracted to bleach, since the basic composition of bleach, has a smell similar to that of peeing from another animal.

Due to the smell that the cat perceives, the animal assumes sometimes aggressive behaviors, sometimes it is limited only to remarking the territory and other times it simply smells the object that has come into contact with the substance (floor, sanitary ware, hands), up to rub itself compulsively. Not all cats, however, can have the same reaction to bleach as not everyone is attracted to its smell.

Opinions are in fact conflicting some argue that it is better not to use bleach, in particular to clean its litter, as the animal may think that it is dirty with pee and consequently avoid using it. Others, on the other hand, claim to be able to use it to be able to accustom the cat to the litter box.

How to rescue the cat that drank bleach

Obviously if we are wondering if bleach is toxic to the cat, or not. The answer is yes. On the other hand, as for the man that is absorbed through the cat’s skin and lungs and the consequences can manifest themselves even after years, even for the cat, although in a different way, it is a rather dangerous chemical compound.

In the feline bleach is absorbed through the glands that are located in their paws, which is why it is better to avoid treating the floors with this product. Should the animal drink this compound, the symptoms begin in a few minutes and are:

  • heavy smudges in the cat;
  • redness and irritation of the skin;
  • redness in and around the mouth;
  • stomach pain, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • low blood pressure;
  • hypersalivation;
  • cough in the cat;
  • lethargy;
  • beat your mouth or act abnormally.

In front of these signals, it is necessary to immediately take the cat to the veterinarian, who may decide to intervene through gastric lavage to empty the poisonous contents from the stomach or through Hydrogen peroxide is used to induce the cat to vomit and eliminate the toxic substance.

Although unusual, your veterinarian may give milk to calm your stomach and make sure to dilute the bleach you ingest. Never make attempts at DIY solution, as even just inducing the animal to vomit could corrode, being bleach a corrosive product and cause strong inflammation.

Subsequently, the veterinarian can intervene through other drugs to treat the ulcer and avoid burns to the stomach and, as many treatments for any other symptoms. In principle, pets that have ingested a small amount of bleach for colored garments will usually vomit a few times and then return to normal.

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