Russian Blue Cat care: brushing, bathing and grooming tips

Here are all the beauty tips and tricks to take care of Russian Blue, from brushing your coat to cutting your nails.

Taking care of the Russian Blue is not a mere matter of vanity. On the contrary, it is essential to take care of the cleaning of your four-legged friend, to avoid the risk of parasitic infestations, skin disorders and other unpleasant diseases. Let’s find out everything there is to know about it.

Russian blue coat care

Specimens of this breed fascinate humans thanks to their thick silvery coat. How to take care of the Russian Blue coat?

Being a cat with short fur, which tends to shed little hair even during the moulting period, it is sufficient to brush it three times a week.

This operation serves not only to remove the layer of dead hair, avoiding the formation of any boluses, but also to inspect the coat of the feline, identifying the possible presence of parasites.

Are you looking for tips on how to make your furry friend’s coat shiny and silky?

First, a balanced and healthy diet should be planned for him.

In addition, you can use a solution based on water and vinegar with which to pat the cat’s fur, in order to make it really shiny and soft.

Finally, let’s answer this question about the care of the Russian Blue coat: bathing the cat yes or no? The answer tends to be no, as felines are extremely dedicated to their personal hygiene.

In particular situations, however, washing the cat may be the only choice available to you. For example, after a period of illness, or if your four-legged friend is very old.

In this case, it is essential that the water is of the right temperature, that is, neither too hot nor excessively cold.

Furthermore, it is important to use special products for the delicate skin of the cat, and to dry the cat completely after bathing, to avoid the onset of health problems.

Cleaning of eyes, coat, ears and nails

What other information should I know about Russian Blue care?

As for cleaning eyes and ears, it is advisable to inspect these parts of the cat’s body, in order to eliminate excess secretions using a simple gauze soaked in warm water, or special products available on the market.

Furthermore, it is essential to take care of the oral hygiene of the cat daily, to avoid the accumulation of tartar and plaque. In this case, you can use specific toothbrushes and toothpastes, or creams to spread on the feline’s teeth.

Finally, we just have to answer a question: how to take care of Russian Blue nails? Generally, the cat tends to sharpen them by itself, especially if it is a young and healthy specimen.

However, where the cat’s claws are excessively long, it will be advisable to cut them with a special tool, taking care to remove only the non-vascularized portion of the nail.

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