Health of the Russian Blue cat: the most common diseases

Let’s find out how to care for a Russian Blue cat and what are the diseases to which this breed is most exposed.

Soft hair, bewitching eyes and irresistible meow – we are talking about the breed of cats coming directly from Russia. How much do they live on average, to the development of which pathologies are most predisposed? Let’s find out all about health and frequent diseases in Russian Blue cats.

Common diseases in the Russian Blue

Russian Blue belongs to the breeds of cats that live longer. Suffice it to say that the life span of this extremely long-lived cat is between 15 and 20 years. In some cases, these specimens can reach up to 25 years of age.

The Russian Blue is a cat with an iron health: in fact, it is an animal that rarely contracts diseases. In any case, there are a number of pathologies to which it is more predisposed. In particular, these are diseases of an infectious and parasitic nature.

Let’s find out in detail what they are and how to identify them promptly to protect the health of our four-legged friend.

Feline immunodeficiency virus

FIV, or feline viral immunodeficiency, is a serious pathology, which can result in the death of the cat. It is caused by a retrovirus, not transmissible to humans and animals of other species. The disease can remain asymptomatic for some time.

Subsequently, the virus begins to weaken the cat’s immune system, which is more exposed to the risk of contracting infections and secondary diseases. The modes of transmission of this disease in the Russian Blue cat and all other breeds are:

  • Transplacental pathway, kittens contract IVF from their mother
  • Coupling, through the exchange of body fluids
  • Fights, transfusions of infected blood and all those situations in which a cat can come into contact with the fluid of another specimen affected by this pathology

To date, there is no cure for feline viral immunodeficiency, but some maintenance therapies can help extend the cat’s life.


Ringworm in the cat is an infectious disease caused by a skin fungus, which the Russian Blue is predisposed to contract. Symptoms of this pathology are:

  • Circular hair loss
  • Presence of dandruff
  • Reddened skin
  • Hyperpigmentation of the skin
  • Appearance of bubbles

Be careful: ringworm is a pathology transmissible to humans and other animals. For this, if your cat has these symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian.


Chlamydia is a common disease in the Russian Blue cat. It is a bacterial infection that affects the respiratory system and eyes, causing conjunctivitis in the cat, eye ulcers and, in severe cases, lung injuries.

How is this pathology transmitted? The animal comes into contact with infected body fluids. For this reason, the cats most at risk are those who live outside and relate to numerous specimens. Symptoms for detecting chlamydia in cats are:

  • Secretion of fluid and pus from the eyes
  • Slimming
  • General malaise
  • Fever

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats is a disease of a mainly hereditary nature, to which the Russian Blue is more predisposed. This pathology provokes thickening of the inner part of the left ventricle.

As a result, due to its small size, it is able to contain and pump a smaller amount of blood. After an initial asymptomatic phase, the cat begins to present a series of breathing difficulties.

In the more advanced stages, the animal struggles to move, its legs are cold and the skin appears tending to blue. Depending on the severity of the situation, the cat may undergo drug therapy, specific diet and oxygen therapy.

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