Osteochondrodysplasia in cats: what is it, what breeds does it affect and what are the feline’s life expectancy

Among the various genetic diseases that can affect the cat is osteochondrodysplasia: let’s find out together what it is.

Osteochondrodysplasia is a genetic disease that can also affect the cat. Of course, the name, long and difficult to pronounce, will most likely not tell you anything. Yet there is a good chance that at least once you have seen a feline affected by this disease. Let’s find out why.

Osteochondrodysplasia in cats: what it is

Osteochondrodysplasia is a genetic disease, which affects the bones and joints of the cat, resulting in an abnormal development of its skeletal system.

The affected feline is usually small in build, and may have limb deformities. Other typical signs of osteochondrodysplasia are folded ears ; and it is one of the distinctive features of the Scottish Fold, a very famous and appreciated cat breed.

Well, all Scottish Folds are affected by osteochondrodysplasia, and the possible consequences of the disease include arthritis, which can affect cats in more or less severe forms.

Pain in the bones and joints causes the feline to move less, favouring the onset of obesity (with all the resulting effects); a vicious circle is established, in which weight gain aggravates the pain in the back and limbs, which in turn feeds the immobility that affects the weight.

What are the life expectancy of the feline and underlying moral issues

What are the life expectancy of a cat affected by osteochondrodysplasia?

There is no single answer: it all depends on the severity of the pathology (in this regard, a less severe form of osteochondrodysplasia, or achondrodysplasia, which however affects the Munchkin, should be remembered ).

However, we must not dwell only on the quantity of the years, but also on the quality; and there is no doubt that the more or less painful problems that will afflict him throughout his life cannot be ignored.

It is clear that the argument involves moral issues, underlying the purchase of purebred cats, when it is known that they will certainly suffer from osteochondrodysplasia. Is it okay to allow mating? Is it right to sacrifice the psychophysical well-being of the cat in the face of an aesthetic whim?

The protection of living beings cannot be sacrificed in the face of the venal desires of the human being.

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