How does change of season to autumn affect cats

Autumn is coming, the cat is preparing for new changes, here’s what to know so as not to be found unprepared, to observe that everything is fine and to provide it with a little help if needed.


First of all, with the arrival of cooler air, the cat’s fur becomes thicker, in preparation for winter.

The cat’s seasonal moult causes bigger licks than usual, simply because it is mainly thanks to this that the cat changes its coat (as well as by “scratching”). But this involves the ingestion of the numerous hairs and thus the potential formation of hairballs in his digestive system. Some cats eliminate them well, but others have more problems and this can slow down their transit, or even block it. If we notice that the cat starts vomiting frequently, that he is constipated or has a poor appetite, it is better to consult your veterinarian.

However, to considerably limit the ingestion of hairballs we can brush it more. But be careful, don’t do it too often or you will get the opposite effect because it stimulates hair production ! 1 to 2 times a week is the sufficient number during the seasonal moult, and he will appreciate why brushing is also a moment of pampering and well-being for the cat.


Usually with the arrival of coolness, the cat’s appetite increases and he appreciates richer meals. Remember that the cat in this period tends to get sick more due to temperature changes. If he consumes the baby food outside the home with the arrival of the first cold weather, it could be an excellent ideal to slightly warm the baby food before giving it to him. Don’t forget to leave a bowl of water at his disposal.


To help the cat not get sick, we could ask our veterinarian to prescribe preventive care, to strengthen the immune system, especially if it is delicate or elderly.

The seasonal change period is therefore a moment in which the cat needs us more than ever, and even if it seems to get by on its own it is better to have an eye for its health and, if necessary, intervene and give it a hand!

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