Nutrition of the Tonkinese Cat: foods, quantity and frequency of meals

Feeding the Tonkinese cat, all the right foods, in the right doses and in the right times to feed this wonderful breed of cat.

In this article we will focus on the feeding of the Tonkinese cat, that is everything related to the food to be administered, the frequency of meals and the quantities necessary for the daily requirement of this massive cat breed.

The Tonkinese is a medium- sized cat and as we mentioned has a rather massive build but not at all stocky or clumsy.

This breed is nothing more than the result of crossing a Siamese cat with a Burmese cat, which is why it shows characteristics of both breeds.

Despite this kinship and these strong similarities, this breed needs adequate nutrition.

Let’s find out what is the nutrition of the Tonkinese cat, what can be given to this cat breed to keep it fit and healthy.

What to feed the Tonkinese cat

The Tonkinese cat is a feline full of joy and will to live and eats as much as it burns. Let’s see what to feed the Tonkinese cat.

When we talk about nutrition we must keep in mind that each cat is unique and each has their own tastes, as well as particular needs and specific needs.

However, all cats are carnivores but each one needs different amounts.

This is why it is necessary to be well informed about the type of diet that the Tonkinese cat must necessarily follow in order not to weigh down its already massive build.

As we said, the Tonkinese basically prefers a diet based on animal proteins but it is not possible to always and only give meat, which is why it is advisable to offer him a complete and balanced meal.  

This breed is not fussy and does not cause problems if you use industrial products (available on the market) or simple homemade recipes for cats, prepared at home.

What matters is respect for nutritional values, the quality of the products, freshness and good hygiene in the preparation.

The foods to be used for any recipes for cats are: chicken, turkey, beef, salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, fresh fruit and vegetables, fermented milk products, probiotics.

Without excluding foods such as offal, liver and musclesrich in essential nutrients for the animal’s well-being, including:

  • Taurine;
  • Thiamine;
  • Niacin;
  • Vitamin B12 for the cat.

For the Tonkinese cat it is important to follow an adequate feeding program and to maintain a controlled and disciplined diet, to preserve physicality, being a cat that has a tendency to gain weight.

Nutrition of the Tonkinese cat: doses and frequency of meals

The Tonkinese, as we mentioned earlier, is a cat that has a tendency to gain weight but is also very lively.

This cat has a very lively vitality so much that it transforms food into energy but be careful not to overdo it, it is not able to say to set limits on quantities.

In order to establish the doses and the frequency of meals, it is essential to know some parameters such as: age, lifestyle, general health and sex.

Therefore, experts suggest basing the frequency of meals on the age of the Tonkinese cat:

  • up to 6 months, it is advisable to feed him small quantities 5 times a day, alternating wet food and solid food and increasing the doses by about 10 grams after 4 months. From 6 to 8 months, however, 3 meals a day will be enough, of about 40/60 grams each.
  • From 7 years of age the animal is considered an elderly cat and this will be the time to change its maintenance diet to one that meets its new physical needs.

Keep in mind that like all cats, he does not like to drink and to entice him you need to leave them a cat fountain with always fresh water and as many bowls around the house.

Water for cats and in general for all living beings is important, as poor hydration affects the state of health.

The healthier the Tonkinese cat’s diet, the more it will allow him to live long and in good health.

Basically without any need to take supplements and with a life expectancy of between 13 and 15 years.

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