My cat no longer meows or meows strangely: should I be worried?

Cats use their meows almost exclusively to communicate with us humans. Of course, some are more talkative than others. So, if your cat used to meow at the slightest opportunity but for a few days you haven’t heard the sound of their voice, it’s a sign that something is wrong… Similarly if their voice has suddenly become hoarse.

Not all cats meow 

Some felines love to chat for hours with their human. This is particularly the case for certain breeds in particular such as the Siamese. But other cats are simply quiet in nature and prefer to remain inconspicuous.

So, if your cat has never been a big talker, you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if he suddenly starts to meow frequently, it may be trying to make you understand that something is wrong.

Also, it’s not uncommon for cats to be more expressive when they’re kittens. If as your cat ages it becomes less noisy, it is not alarming.

Reasons why a cat stops meowing

If a cat does not meow, it is therefore often a question of personality. On the other hand, if a talkative cat suddenly stops meowing, or if its voice changes, it is sometimes a sign of a serious problem. In any case, if your cat has other unusual symptoms in addition to loss of voice, a veterinary consultation is required.

1. An infection

Most of the time, it is an infectious problem that is at the origin of this sudden silence in the cat. This is because a respiratory tract infection, such as coryza, can cause hoarseness and laryngitis in cats. In this case, other symptoms can also be observed: runny nose and eyes, coughing, sneezing, etc.

2. A foreign body

The presence of a foreign body, such as hair, in the cat’s vocal cords can cause local inflammation and therefore loss of voice.

3. A thyroid problem

Hoarse, plaintive meowing is one of the major symptoms of a thyroid problem in cats. This meow strongly resembles the meow expressed by female cats when in heat. It is often associated with weight loss.

4. Laryngeal paralysis

Although rare, nerve damage to the larynx can not only prevent meowing but also impair a cat’s breathing. Cough, weight loss and difficulty eating may also be observed. This is a life- threatening emergency.

5. A tumor

Unfortunately, cats can also be affected by cancerous tumours, especially in the lungs or even the larynx… In this case, it is not uncommon to also observe coughing, sneezing, fatigue or loss of blood. of appetite.

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