Metritis in cats: symptoms and remedies

Let’s find out together what metritis is in cats, what are the symptoms of the disease and what are the remedies to be adopted.

The birth of your pet is always an event that gives great joy, but at the same time it is a very delicate moment and that must be managed properly; and even the next stage can hide pitfalls for the new mother. One of them is metritis in the cat: let’s find out together what pathology it is.

What is metritis in cats

Metritis in cats is an inflammation of the uterus of bacterial origin. The pathology affects the cat in the postpartum phase, usually in the moments immediately following the event. In some cases it can occur even later, and even in the case of abortion.

It is a pathology that is very often confused with feline pyometry, also a bacterial inflammation of the cat’s uterus, but which actually has some differences. Metritis is caused by the presence of dead fetuses in the uterus or where the placenta has not been completely expelled during childbirth.

What are the symptoms

The symptoms of metritis in the cat, as mentioned, occur immediately after childbirth (or in any case during the weaning of puppies) or abortion; therefore, although these are symptoms common to other pathologies, they can be easily linked to metritis.

Among the most common are vomitingdiarrhea, and in some cases vaginal discharge; among those related to the feeding of the cat we find instead the lack of appetite and dehydration. In severe cases, fever may arise in the cat.

The remedies of cat metritis

In the event that the cat presents symptoms of metritis, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian. Timeliness of rescue is crucial for the treatment of pathology, which can become chronic and cause sterility of the animal. In severe cases it can also lead to the death of the feline.

The professional first of all will proceed to the diagnosis of pathology. To this end, you can arrange tests of the cat’s blood or a vaginal swab, to detect the possible excessive presence of white blood cells. The X-ray of the abdomen will be instrumental instead to verify the presence of any dead fetuses or placenta in the cat’s uterus.

In case of a positive outcome of the response it will be necessary to proceed with the expulsion of foreign bodies from the body of the feline, also by means of taking drugs. In some cases it may be necessary to proceed with the sterilization of the cat. In less severe cases, bacterial infection is addressed by the administration of antibiotics.


As always, prevention is the best cure when it comes to disease. Sterilization of the cat greatly reduces the chances of the feline contracting metritis or similar pathologies such as feline pyometry. Equally important is to take care of the cat’s nutrition, with a healthy and balanced diet, respectful of its nutritional needs.

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