Sore throat in cats: causes, symptoms, remedies and advice

Does the cat have a sore throat? Absolutely it can happen. Especially in the cold winter months, not only is humans at risk of catching a cold, but it can certainly happen to cats as well. Let’s go together to discover the causes, symptoms and remedies for sore throat in cats. Let’s take care of our furry one.

Sore throats in cats can be a persistent nuisance during the winter months. What we can definitely do is let cats not get too cold. As we all know, they are not easy to interpret animals, as they hide their sufferings very well. That is why, to make it easier to identify the disease in our puppy, in the next paragraph we list the different symptoms that you will notice in him.

The symptoms and parts of the body most affected by a cat’s sore throat

First of all, let’s find out what are the main symptoms that can betray a sore throat in a cat:

  • cat cough
  • sneeze
  • throat clearing
  • suffocation
  • often swallows saliva
  • hypersalivation of the cat
  • snores suddenly
  • often lengthen your neck
  • aphonia or hoarseness
  • loss of appetite
  • difficulty or pain when swallowing
  • cat weight loss
  • lump in the throat

Causes of sore throat in cats

If you have observed one or more of the above symptoms, your cat is probably suffering from a disease or the effects of a substance or foreign body. In fact, there are  several conditions that can be responsible for sore throats in cats, most of which fortunately are not dangerous.

Here are some of the more common causes of sore throats in cats (and which we will look at in more detail later in this article):

  • cat rhinotracheitis
  • tumors
  • Foreign bodies
  • Irritants

Rhinotracheitis or cat’s coryza

This  throat inflammation  in cats is one of the most common diseases, especially among younger cats. Caused by the herpes virus  and feline calicivirus, feline viral rhinotracheitis, cat coryza or feline flu, consists of inflammation of the trachea and nasal cavity.

Symptoms that affect cats are nasal and eye discharge, sneezing or a sore throat. These prevent them from eating  as they suffer from swallowing, as well as greatly reduce the effectiveness of their sense of smell.

On the surface it makes us think of a simple cold in the cat, but in reality it requires quick veterinary care because an animal that stops eating can become dehydrated and even die. Also, if left untreated, eye lesions can develop into ulceration and blindness. Throat infections in cats caused by bacteria can also occur later during rhinotracheitis. 

In this case, the problem will be treated with antibiotics but therapy with washes may be required. We must also feed the cat, with his favorite food but slightly moistened so that he can swallow it more easily, perhaps heating the food we offer him could stimulate his sense of smell and, consequently, his appetite. It is a  very contagious disease among cats, so precautions should be taken if you have several cats at home (for example, avoid letting them sleep and eat in the same place).

Throat cancer in cats

Another situation that causes sore throats in cats is the appearance and development  of throat cancer . They are generally masses that grow rapidly and can be fatal. However, if your cat has a lump in his throat, it doesn’t  necessarily mean he has a tumor  , in most cases it will be a blocked foreign body bothering him.

As in humans,  cancer : if diagnosed early enough and if the vet can determine what type it is, the cancer will have a better chance of being cured. Tumors can be benign or malignant

Unfortunately, pharyngeal tumors are usually malignant. In such cases, there will be the likelihood that surgery to remove the mass, or radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments will be required.

Obstruction in the throat, causing a sore throat

One of the most common causes of a sore throat in cats is  an obstruction caused by the presence of a foreign body in the cat’s throat. Although it is more common in dogs, the cat can also ingest objects such as pieces of plants, bones, thorns, toys, stones, etc. that remain in the throat. Also, it sometimes happens that the strands of hair get stuck in the throat. To prevent your cat from choking on his hairballs, try to brush the cat regularly.

If your cat is agitated, coughing, opening his mouth or scratching his paws, seems to choke or has difficulty breathing, we can assume that he has ingested a foreign body.

It is therefore necessary to go to the vet urgently because, if a complete occlusion of the air flow occurs, the cat will die of asphyxiation. The vet will be responsible for extracting the object, either through endoscopy or surgery.

Allergic and irritating reactions

Finally, there are substances that can act on the throat producing a more or less severe irritation that will cause a sore throat in the cat. In general, eliminate this substance from the environment, logically if we know exactly which element is causing this, we should try to remove it. The cat should be kept in a safe environment because access to substances such as detergents or bleach can end up hurting their throat and mouth if they ingest it.

However, if all this attention is not enough, the veterinarian will examine the cat and will seek appropriate treatment to relieve the pain and cure the inflammation.

Home remedies to heal a cat’s throat

Here is a list of home remedies for a sore throat in cats:

  • heat

If your cat has a sore throat, the most important thing is to  keep him warm. The cat’s sleeping place should be arranged with warming blankets. Now while our resting place might be near the tiled stove or the heating, please know instead that cats usually choose their resting place near the window where the radiator is generally located. This is how the cat experiences the heat it desperately needs during the frigid cold months and this is how the cat copes with its winter season.

  • drinking a lot for a cat’s sore throat

the cat who has sore throats and / or high temperatures must drink plenty of fluids. Therefore, the animal must be constantly enticed to drink.

One solution could be homemade chicken broth, for us men it always has its effectiveness in case of redness in the throat. And what’s good for a man doesn’t hurt any cat. Since cats suffer from sore throats, they have a tendency to eat little, chicken broth is considered a good alternative to an animal’s usual meal.

Many people also make tea when they experience pain in the throat. A blend of chamomile and fennel is intended to stem cold viruses. But what if we also wanted to give the cat this tea blend? He is likely to be persuaded to drink if we also try to add honey to the tea, which sweetens it.

It is important, however, that the addition of honey is not exaggerated. Honey is good for the cat’s throat and the sore throat will slowly disappear through this sweetener.

  • right food

If your cat is suffering from a sore throat, as evidenced by swallowing, you should not currently feed him dry food. Since the hard bits have to be bitten, this could increase the pain in the throat. Once the cat is suffering from a disease, the owner should only give wet food that is easy to swallow and mixed well with fresh vitamins such as carrots or celery. A diet rich in vitamins, which contains many nutrients and minerals, does not harm but rather helps the animal’s recovery.

  • clean your cat’s eyes and nose often

When your eyes are watering and your nose continues to run, it may be helpful to clean them from time to time with a sterile, damp cloth. It is just like when we use a handkerchief for the nose but unlike us he cannot do it, the cat that has a cold needs the help of its owner.

  • much rest 

If we have a sore throat, the first thing we seek is rest and relaxation. The cat is no different in this respect.  His body now needs a lot of rest and therefore in this condition  the cat is sleepy, and this is how he regains his strength and fights the virus.

  • isolation from other house cats

Having several cats in the family is certainly pleasant for us and for them but it will be necessary to isolate the sick puppy to avoid the risk of contagion. Because if a cat has a sore throat or a cold, it will immediately infect his cat friends.

  • wet towels on the radiator

These wet wipes are very good for attached mucous membranes and also provide a good indoor climate. Because in winter, the climate in our homes often becomes too dry.

The cat has a sore throat, let’s take preventive measures

Below we suggest some precautions to protect our cat from getting sore throats and colds:

Protect from drafts

The cat’s favorite place is always the windowsill but this is constantly exposed to drafts. Windows and window sills are sources of currents for the cat, try to avoid creating currents as much as possible.

Refuge in winter

It is important that he can find various shelters in the cold autumn and winter months. Several hiding places around the house and garden help the cat better prepare for the cold season. The cat should try not to get wet during these times, as once wet, the assimilated cold can quickly lead to illness.

If the cat comes home wet, it must be completely dried and let it rest on the heater and then try to keep it in the apartment.

Cod liver oil and various natural vegetable oils very useful for sore throats in cats

In the cold autumn and winter months, the cat’s thirst tends to decrease and therefore we should try to give it high quality and moist food, necessary to guarantee it fluids.

As a preventive measure against colds, preparations such as special herbal mixtures for cats are used, which we can find on the market in specialized pet food stores. These herbal blends contain important vitamins, trace elements and minerals and are simply added to their food that we usually give them.

Finally, we can use cod liver oil and various natural vegetable oils that strengthen the cat’s immune system and prevent diseases related to the throat and colds. Therefore, thanks to the help of this oil, the body’s defenses will be strengthened.

Cat BreedsCat Food and Nutrition
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