Stomatitis in cats: causes, symptoms and remedies

More and more like us, our furry friends suffer from the same problems as us, for example stomatitis. Let’s get to know the causes, symptoms and remedies for our cat’s stomatitis together.

Is your cat’s throat red and swollen, saliva often and has lost a lot of weight? These various symptoms can be a sign of stomatitis. Stomatitis in cats can be of genetic origin or an immune dysfunction, due to bacteria or more serious diseases.

The vet proceeds by exclusion and can then hypothesize the cause of the problem. He runs tests to identify the disease, often a cat urinalysis, while reducing our furry friend’s pain. Finally, he stabilizes his weight with foods that stimulate his appetite.

The causes of stomatitis

If the origin of cat stomatitis comes from bacteria spreading in the mouth, they will produce tartar  and as in humans, if the tartar has been there for too long, it can result in tooth loss.

Furthermore, stomatitis can appear following an outbreak of herpes, a very common disease in cats. It can also develop from FCV (feline calicivirus). This respiratory disease is frequent and contagious. In this case, the intervention of the veterinarian can certainly improve the state of health of the cat and in less than half of the cases, cure it.It should be known that these two viruses are favored by AIDS or leucosis.

In all cases, deteriorating health often leads to heart failure.

Below is a list of the main causes of stomatitis in cats:

  • A dental infection.

The bacteria present in the cat’s mouth and which are particularly abundant in dental plaque and tartar are favorable foci for the development of stomatitis.

  • A foreign body.

Any foreign body that lodges itself in the cat’s oral mucosa promotes the development of stomatitis before causing secondary complications.

  • A  tumor of the mouth.

Inflammation associated with the development of an oral tumor leads to the appearance of stomatitis.

  • Burn with an acidic substance An acidic substance is abrasive to the oral mucosa, which in turn causes inflammation and thus the appearance of stomatitis.
  • A dental fistula that opens into the mouth
  • A dental infection can cause an oral fistula which causes stomatitis
  • A dental abscess in the cat’s mouth
  • An infection can cause the accumulation of pus and therefore the appearance of stomatitis
  • A Mushroom. An infection due to fungi or yeast. It is also accompanied by an inflammatory reaction of the oral cavity and then by stomatitis
  • A dysfunction of the immune defenses. This abnormal functioning of the immune system is most often involved in  chronic gingivostomatitis, which is a disease in itself in cats.

Stomatitis can also be the consequence of a general disease of the body:

  • A viral  rhinotracheitis such as the common cat cold. It is an infectious disease of the cat that manifests itself from an attack of the upper respiratory tract that does not spare the oral cavity.
  • A frequent increase in urea.
  • intoxication (lead, mercury or copper).

What are the symptoms of stomatitis in cats?

When you start observing that your cat is not eating as before, it loses weight, refuses dry food (kibble), washes less often, rubs its face and hides, plus you find it aggressive, seem upset about something and no longer yawn. We are in the moment in which we have to dedicate some care to our cat by taking a look inside its mouth.

You will definitely find them irritation and you will see some redness. In this case, try to look for dental plaque and you will notice that your cat has pain when he opens his mouth as well as bad breath. Finally, our friend to make us understand that he is suffering tends to leave his tongue out, so we can assume that the cat is suffering from stomatitis.

The cure to relieve stomatitis in cats

The treatment takes time and involves the combination of several elements, such as taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. If antibiotics are not enough, the vet may decide to prescribe corticosteroids as well.

He can also use a therapeutic laser to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth. Unfortunately, this treatment is painful and must be applied several times in the same week.

We never underestimate the health problems of our furry friend, we cannot deny a visit to our cat at the vet.

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