Hyponatremia in cats: causes, symptoms, remedies

Hyponatremia, which can also affect cats, is not a real disease; on the contrary, it is the consequence of several possible causes.

Even cats can suffer from hyponatremia. Perhaps the naming of this disorder will say nothing to most people, but it is a well-known problem in other words. So, let’s find out what it is, what are the most frequent causes, what symptoms to watch out for, and what are the most effective treatments.

What is it and what are the causes

Hyponatremia indicates the medical disorder that is substantiated in a too low sodium level in the blood, and, as mentioned, even the cat can suffer from it.

The threshold below which the presence of the mineral is not considered sufficient is 150 mEq / l.

The causes of hyponatremia in cats can be many. Among the various are mentioned:

  • Addison’s disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Heart failure
  • Hepatic insufficiency
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Dehydration
  • Polydipsia

Also consider that the decrease in sodium can also be caused by excessive diarrhea or vomiting in the cat.


The symptoms of the disorder may be different; they will not necessarily all manifest together.

The severity of the clinical signs depends on the rate at which the feline’s blood sodium level drops; the greater it is, the more difficult it will be for the brain to adapt to the sudden change.

The symptoms neurological, of course, are the most serious. One of the most common clinical signs is lethargy in cats ; the feline appears confused and tired, and with less appetite. Another risk is the onset of anorexia. Hyponatremia can also give rise to neurological signs such as seizures and coma.

Also worthy of attention is vomiting in cats, which, as seen, can also be the cause of the disorder at the same time.

How is hyponatremia in cats treated?

In the presence of the symptoms described, it is necessary to intervene promptly, by going to your trusted veterinarian.

The practitioner will diagnose the disorder using a simple blood count. However, it will also be necessary to ascertain the cause that triggered the hyponatremia in the cat.

The treatment will depend on the severity of the disorder. In the most serious cases, in fact, it is often necessary to hospitalize the animal, with the appropriate therapy to restore the right level of sodium in the blood, and at the same time with that necessary to counteract the cause that originated the disorder.

In less serious cases, it is possible to act directly on the sodium level, by resorting to fluid therapy.

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