How to make your dog famous on Instagram

Social networks are now so popular that among influencers it is possible to find not only people, but also animals. There are Instagram pages dedicated entirely to dogs, cats and other animals, often more famous and with more followers than even many public figures or fashionable girls.

One of the secrets to making your dog famous on Instagram is to find original ideas and offer something different from the others.

In the following article we will reveal all the secrets if you are interested in making your dog famous on Instagram.

What are people looking for on Instagram?

It is clear that your dog, your cat or any other animal will not be able to become famous by teaching us to dress or make up, but it can contribute to influence the habits of other dogs or even some current trends.

When people log into animal profiles , what they are looking for is to have a laugh, forget their problems or find curiosities.

With the competition that exists, it is necessary to find original ideas, to offer something new that attracts people. For this reason, if you want your dog to become famous on Instagram, you should follow our tips to achieve fame.

There are famous people who owe their success solely to their pets. Why? Because they know how to offer originality and fun. Do you want to achieve the same thing?

Tips for making your dog famous on Instagram

Before starting, keep in mind that this is not a process of a few days; It could take months or even years to get results. But if someone has made it, why shouldn’t you? Take note of the following tips.

Choose a suitable name

While it may seem like an unimportant element, choosing a name that is easy to remember is an essential step to succeed on the net. Why? First of all because an easy name is more localizable on the network. It may happen that people are looking for something else and stumble upon your profile by chance.

On the other hand, if a person follows you and wants to tell a friend about you, they will have a lot less trouble remembering your name if you avoid the long and complicated ones. So choose a short, catchy and simple nickname. This is the first step to success!

Famous dog on Instagram: choose the profile photo

They say that the first impression is what matters, and this certainly applies to virtual profiles as well . Well, if you want those who see your dog’s photo to start following it, it must be original, professional and fun. It all depends on what you want to convey with your pet’s profile.

Imagine you want to create a dessert recipe blog using your dog as a social media image. You could have him wear a chef’s hat, a wooden spoon in his mouth or a pastry, or place a cupcake in front of him. It will be an intriguing image that will attract the attention of those who see it.

Write an introduction to introduce it

People who log into your Instagram profile need to know what it’s about. You can report the dog’s name, its origin, its date of birth or its breed, for example. However, the fact that will most attract followers is an aspect that distinguishes it from others, summarized in a few keywords in the introduction to the profile.

In the previous case, for example, you could write something like “Dogcooker” or another term that suggests the ability that characterizes your dog. The important thing is to have imagination and think about what people like.

We suggest you take a look at the profiles of the most famous animals on the net to understand what people are looking for and follow a similar line , always without copying and pulling out the essence of your animal.


Now that you’ve got everything ready, comes the funniest but also the hardest part: publishing. The important thing is that the photos are of the best possible quality , bright and above all original, as well as highlighting your pet’s abilities.

A useful tip is to upload all the photos in the same format. All vertical or all horizontal, all square or all rectangular… why? Because you will give a sense of order and clarity that will attract users.

Are you ready to make your dog famous on Instagram? Roll up your sleeves and get ready for success!

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