How to calm your cat when it is nervous: tips to reduce stress

Is your cat going through a period of high stress and nervousness? Let’s see together how to calm the cat when it is nervous.

Handling a fearful cat is far from easy. In fact, when the cat is prey to fear and stress, it can have adverse and unpredictable reactions, which would risk compromising our own safety. For this, it is important to know how to behave in these circumstances. Let’s find out what are the main stress factors in the cat, and how to calm the cat when it is nervous.

The stress factors in the cat

Knowing how to calm the cat when it is nervous is essential to better manage the situation.

Equally important, however, is to recognize any behaviours and circumstances that could generate irritation and discomfort in the cat, in order to prevent the problem.

Changes are among the main stressors in cats. As we know, in fact, the domestic feline is an extremely habitual animal and a lover of its routine.

For this reason, small upheavals such as a move, the arrival of a new born or the adoption of a new furry dog ​​could upset him and make him nervous.

How to recognize that the four-legged is agitated? Among the main manifestations of nervousness in the cat are:

  • Aggression
  • The cat loses its fur
  • Continuous licking
  • Apathy
  • The cat goes to the toilet outside the litter box

How to calm a cat when it is nervous

Finally, we just have to answer one last question: how to calm the cat when it is nervous?

There are numerous strategies that we can put into practice to calm Fuffy, helping him to recover calm and serenity. These include:

  • Isolate the cat in a safe place
  • Caress him and talk to him sweetly
  • Try to distract the cat

Isolate Fuffy in a safe place

How to calm a cat when it is nervous? Among the main behaviours to put into practice, there is that of keeping the cat safe.

First of all, when the cat starts to go crazy, it is good to isolate him in a safe place where he will not be able to get out.

The risk, in fact, is that the cat runs away and, in fear and stress, gets hurt. You should then speak to him in a low, affectionate tone of voice that can help calm his nerves.

A further precaution to put into practice is to position yourself at the height of the cat, so as not to appear threatening.

In this case, it is recommended that you sit next to the cat at a 46/90 degree angle. In this way, if he wishes, the feline can move away, having an escape route available.

But be careful: if the cat is positioned in a high place, it is better to let him and not force him to stay in another place.

The height, in fact, makes the animal stay safe. Finally, if the domestic feline runs away and hides, even in this case it is better to leave it alone.

Stroking the cat

If you are wondering how to calm your cat when he is nervous, one of the possible strategies to put into practice is to pet him to further calm him and put him at ease.

If the cat allows us to do this, we will be able to stroke its snout with the thumb, starting from the nose and going up gently.

If, however, the four-legged does not want to be touched, do not insist. On the contrary, it should be left alone.

In fact, the cat must never be blocked, nor should he feel deprived of freedom of movement.

If the cat starts hissing and arching its back, it is absolutely necessary to avoid getting close to it.

If, however, he allows us, we will be able to stand by his side and always speak to the animal in a low and calm tone of voice.

Your feline may also like to hear some music. So, singing a song to him will help alleviate the sense of fear.

The important thing is to maintain a calm tone and manner as even if you are accessing the TV, it is better to opt for relaxing programs. TV or music should be kept at a low volume, as cats don’t like loud noises.

The key is to stay calm because the cat absorbs energy and to avoid bringing other animals into the room that could upset it.

Try to distract the feline

Finally, a final tip to calm your cat when it is nervous is to distract it from fear.

For example, we can try to give the cat something to eat, which is particularly palatable and tasty.

In this case, just place the food in a bowl, then walk away so that Fuffy feels free to move and safe.

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