How many teeth does a cat have? Do they change? Do they fall off?

In general, most of the articles that are present on the internet about cat teeth refer to the diseases they can suffer from and how to care for them.

However, we know that you have ever wondered how many teeth does a cat have? In this article we will talk about how many teeth a cat has and we will tell you some curiosities that perhaps you did not know about its care.

Types of teeth in a cat

Curiously, cats have similar characteristics in the functioning of the organism, to that of human beings due to the fact that they are also mammals. One of these characteristics refers to the teeth and how they develop over the course of their lives.

Cats are born without teeth and also develop 2 types of dentures in their lives. Baby teeth and permanent teeth. For this reason, the exact number of teeth varies according to the age of the feline, that is:

● Baby cat: 26 milk teeth.
● Adult cat: 30 permanent teeth.

Baby teeth in cats

The teeth of the kittens begin to grow when they meet for 2 to 3 weeks of life. But not all appear at the same time. The first teeth to emerge are the 12 incisor teeth (small, front teeth present on the top and bottom).

Teeth in adult cats

After three and a half months of life of the cat. The 26 baby teeth begin to fall out and are replaced by the permanent teeth.

Much stronger teeth. In addition to these 26, the 4 molar teeth are also born, which are more resistant than the premolars. For a total of 30 permanent teeth in the adult age of the feline that will be complete at 6 months of age.

Curiosities about cat teeth

What is a Retained Deciduous Tooth in Cats?

Sometimes it can happen that the baby teeth do not all fall as they should. Preventing some permanent teeth from having trouble coming out properly.

This problem is called a retained deciduous tooth, or a retained milk tooth in the cat. In such a case the milk tooth must be removed manually and in a slightly more complex case aesthesia and surgery will be required by the veterinarian.

How can I take care of my cat’s teeth?

Cats being carnivores and hunters by nature. They have quite strong permanent teeth. Where the molars have 3 roots for greater resistance when chewing unlike the premolars that only have 2 roots.

However, despite this strength, teeth must receive adequate care to help prevent the loss or fall of one.

  • Regular brushing to avoid periodontal disease such as feline gingivitis.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Provide the appropriate feed. There are some that have components that help remove tartar and plaque
  • Go to the vet to check his teeth regularly.

When is a cat’s teeth extracted?

Tooth extractions should be carried out by the veterinarian in case there is a serious infection that is compromising not only the tooth as such but also the supporting structures of the tooth.

This infection is caused by the accumulation of bacteria (plaque) that begin to enter internally within the pulp of the tooth.

A broken tooth is another case that may arise that requires the extraction of one or more teeth. This will depend on the severity of the damage, since if the damage is slight the vet can avoid extraction through a canal procedure.

This case can occur if too hard food is chewed or due to a blow or fall that the feline may suffer.

What if my cat loses all its teeth?

Interestingly, even after severe loss of all or most teeth, cats, like dogs, are still able to consume dry food or feed.

However, there are wet foods or special diets such as the barf diet, which are much softer than a regular feed, although they imply a radical change in their diet, especially in the latter.

They will be able to chew it more easily in case you are concerned about damaging their gums. When in doubt, your vet will surely recommend the type of diet in each case.

We hope that you have learned a lot after reading this article and above all that you have resolved the question of how many teeth does a cat have? Also that you can purr this article on social networks in case you think it is interesting.

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