Hip dysplasia in cats: causes and remedies

Hip dysplasia is a pathology that can affect the cat and has mainly genetic causes. Let’s find out all about this disease.

Hip dysplasia is a very frequent disease in dogs, which can also occur in cats. What is it, how to identify it in time and what care to subject the cat? Let’s understand together everything you need to know to protect the health of our four-legged friend.

What is dysplasia in the cat’s hip

Hip dysplasia is a disease that affects the joint that gets stuck in the head of the cat’s femur. This pathology causes a degeneration of the cartilage of the cat in this area.

By reducing in thickness, it can cause microfractures and increased production of bone tissue, causing abnormal growth of the hip joint. What are the causes of this disorder?

In most cases it is a disease of a hereditary nature. The cat breeds most predisposed to the onset of hip dysplasia are:

  • Devon Rex
  • Maine Coon
  • Himalayan cat
  • Persian cat

In this case, mating and reproduction between felines affected by this disease are not recommended, to prevent its genetic transmission. Among other causes that could provoke the appearance of this pathology are:

  • Trauma
  • Improper feeding
  • Excessive physical activity
  • Overweight and obesity

Clinical signs of pathology

How does hip dysplasia manifest itself in cats? Let’s see what are the main symptoms of this pathology:

  • Abnormal gait and difficulty walking
  • Decreased movement and physical activity
  • Tendency to insulation
  • Pain localized in the lower back
  • Excessive development of the shoulder muscles and arching of the back
  • The cat does not use the litter box

If the cat experiences one or more of the listed symptoms, it is essential to promptly contact the veterinarian.

Diagnosis and treatment of dysplasia in the cat’s hip

To diagnose hip dysplasia in the cat, the veterinarian will have to subject the cat to a thorough examination of the limbs and radiological examination of the pelvis. You may also need to have additional tests such as blood tests and urine tests.

Unfortunately, to date there is no definitive cure for hip dysplasia. Depending on the stage of this disease, however, the veterinarian will be able to identify a therapy to relieve the pain of the cat and slow the progression of the disease.

If the situation is not serious, you can resort to the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy sessions, aimed at strengthening muscles and joints. In the event that the disease is in an advanced stage, it will be necessary to subject the cat to a surgical operation.

The prognosis is good: the cat will be able to partially recover its freedom of movement and its quality of life will be satisfactory.

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