Cat in menopause: symptoms and changes

Does the cat go through menopause? It is not only a prerogative of women but it is different: let’s see what are the best symptoms and remedies for the feline.

What is meant by menopause and does the same concept apply to humans and felines? Here is everything you need to know about the cat in menopause, what are the symptoms that distinguish her, what is the period provided for this phase of life and, above all, what to do to relieve the discomfort of our feline friend. In fact, we will notice not only changes from a physical point of view but also humoral and behavioral.

What is menopause in cats

What does ‘menopause’ mean? For both women and animals the concept indicates the end of the reproductive age of the female subject. Also for the cat comes this moment in life that involves precise consequences not only from the physical point of view, but also of the mood and, consequently, of the behavior. But unlike women, the cat does not ‘stop’ having a period, but has an irregular estrous cycle.

At the hormonal level, menopause coincides with the depletion of ovarian reserve and the lowering of hormones. From puberty, cats are in heat: but this can also happen several times a year and is influenced by a number of factors. But this does not mean that the cat always has ovulation: in fact we speak of ‘induced ovulation’ precisely because it occurs only in case of mating with the male.

Cat in menopause: features and symptoms

How do we recognize that the cat is in a delicate phase of her sexual life such as menopause? from the hormonal point of view we will see that the cat no longer goes into heat and usually this coincides with a more serene and calm attitude. Obviously the exception is the case of hysterical pregnancy in the cat and other physical problems that have little or nothing to do with hormones. We will also note that the litters will be in considerably lower numbers than at the previous age.

At what age can it happen

given that a cat in excellent health can support a pregnancy even up to 12 years, it is usually from 7 years onwards that you begin to have some problems from a hormonal point of view, since the level of fertility decreases. With the completion of the 12th year of life the cat can no longer keep puppies inside her uterus.

Cat in menopause: what changes

Unfortunately, the phase of ‘menopause’ in the cat also coincides with that of old age, which brings with it a series of ailments in addition to the emergence of numerous diseases. In fact, it is good to subject the cat to periodic visits since they are the stages of life in which the first signs of breast cancer may appear or feline infections (feline pyometra). In addition to muscle and joint problems, we could also see the cognitive dysfunction of the feline, or an aging of the nervous system.

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