Aphrodite Giant Cat Health: the common diseases of the breed

Let’s discover the common diseases in the Giant of Aphrodite, to identify them promptly and help the cat to get back to health.

Knowing everything about the health of your pet is essential to ensure his well-being. Here are the common diseases of the Giant of Aphrodite, how to recognize them and what to do if the cat shows some symptoms of discomfort and discomfort.

Common diseases of the Giant of Aphrodite: the complete list

The Giant of Aphrodite is a cat belonging to a feline breed that is still experimental.

For this reason, information on his health is scarce and provisional.

Basically, it is a domestic feline with a robust constitution, which enjoys good health.

The average life span of these specimens is between 12 and 15 years .

To date, there are no particular common diseases of the Giant of Aphrodite, which are inherited from one generation to another.

In any case, these cats are predisposed to the onset of some disorders, which frequently arise in domestic cats. Among these are:

  • Obesity
  • Ear infections
  • Hairballs


Among the common diseases in the Giant of Aphrodite is obesity.

These cats, in fact, tend to accumulate excess weight, which in turn can cause a series of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular system.

Prevention, in this case, is essential: it is necessary to plan a specific diet for the cat with the help of the veterinarian, who is able to meet the energy needs of the cat without exposing him to the risk of obesity.

Furthermore, it is essential to set up areas of the house dedicated to play: thanks to paths, tunnels and raised shelves, in fact, the cat will be adequately stimulated and induced to move.

Ear infections

Ear infections are among the common diseases of the Giant of Aphrodite.

In this case we speak of otitis, which can have various causes. In fact, this pathology can be of:

  • viral
  • bacterial
  • parasitic
  • caused by foreign bodies

Exposing the cat to ear infections is the abundant amount of ear wax that its ears tend to secrete.

For this, it is essential to clean them regularly with the help of special commercially available sprays. To find out all the useful information for the care of the Giant of Aphrodite , consult this article.

Among the main symptoms with which this disease occurs are:

  • Ache
  • Swelling around the ears
  • Foul-smelling, dark-colored earwax
  • Presence of pus
  • Warm ears

In this case, it is essential to promptly take the cat to the vet, who, once the cause of the otitis has been identified, will be able to administer the most suitable treatment for the cat.


Finally, Aphrodite’s Giant tends to accumulate hairballs in the stomach, which can cause common diseases in domestic felines.

The most frequent ailments include:

  • He retched
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

The risks caused by hairballs can also be serious: just think that when they arrive in the intestinal tract they could also cause an intestinal blockage.

What to do to eliminate them? First of all, it is essential to brush the cat’s coat regularly, to eliminate the layer of dead hair that it would otherwise ingest during the daily cleaning sessions.

Secondly, it is essential to take care of the four-legged diet, introducing foods rich in fiber that can favour the expulsion of hairballs, as well as essential nutrients for the health of his coat, such as vitamins, easily digestible proteins and fatty acids.

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