British Longhair Cat care: breed hygiene and grooming

Here’s everything you need to know about British Longhair care: grooming, grooming, and breed beauty tips.

The long-haired Brit is a lovely looking cat. In order for its thick coat to remain shiny and clean, however, care and attention must be paid. Let’s see how to best take care of the British Longhair, preserving the health and beauty of our four-legged friend.

Hair care of the British Longhair

Long considered less valuable than the short-haired variant due to its fluffy coat, today the British long-haired cat is a much loved cat all over the world.

If you’re wondering how to keep her coat shiny and soft, don’t worry – British Longhair grooming isn’t as demanding and difficult as it might seem.

Of course, it is essential to brush this cat regularly, to avoid the formation of knots and hairballs. The recommended frequency is at least 3 times a week.

In this way, you will avoid neglecting the cat’s coat, and then having to intervene with drastic solutions, such as shearing.

During moulting periods it is preferable to brush the cat every day to remove the dead coat. What is the ideal brush for this procedure?

The best tools are a wide-toothed comb and a slanator, to be used in the months of the year when the loss of the cat is more consistent.

During the operation it is advisable to pay particular attention to the area of ​​the neck, ears, armpits, as well as between the hind legs.

Hygiene and cleanliness of the long-haired Brit

After having discovered all the tricks to take care of the British Longhair’s coat at best, let’s see together which other delicate body parts to pay attention.

Wash the specimens of this breed yes or no? Generally, domestic cats are extremely clean animals and attentive to their daily hygiene. In any case, it is advisable to bathe this cat once a month.

The reason lies not so much in cleaning, as in removing excess hair. If you are looking for tips on how to keep a longhaired Brit’s coat shiny, the first factor to look out for is your cat’s diet.

In fact, it is essential that the four-legged are given quality products that are always fresh. To learn more about the ideal diet of the British Longhair, read this helpful in-depth article.

Among the other precautions for the care of the British Longhair there is the cutting of the nails. This house kitty does not need sharp claws as a defence tool.

For this, it will be necessary to trim them regularly, in order to avoid that they become too long and can cause discomfort to the cat. How to do? Using special scissors.

It will be sufficient to press gently on the toes of the feline, in order to make the nail come out entirely and cut the white part.

As for the cleaning of the eyes and ears, the British Longhair tends not to be subject to particular accumulations of secretion. If necessary, to remove earwax just resort to a cotton swab soaked in warm water.

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