Scottish Straight Longhair Cat care: from grooming to hygiene

Scottish Straight Longhair care: from grooming, to hygiene. All the beauty tips for the coat of this cat breed.

For non-experts, cat grooming is always a dilemma. There are many who do not have much information regarding the care of their cat, this happens mostly to those who buy a purebred kitten.

In most cases, you are aware that each breed has its own needs, regarding health, nutrition and grooming, but you don’t have the slightest idea how to behave.

This is why you have come to the right place, in fact in this article, we will deal with the care of the Scottish Straight Longhair , a cat of Scottish origins, for which we will see how to take care of it.

Scottish Straight Longhair care

The Scottish Breed Group consists of four breeds: Scottish Fold, longhaired and shorthaired and Scottish Straight, longhaired and shorthaired.

In our article we will deal with the Scottish Straight Longhair variety , i.e. with straight ears and long hair.

The Scottish Straight Longhair has a dense, semi-long coat structure with tufts on the ears and clearly visible feet as this is a hallmark of the breed.

The coat can be blue, grey blue, black, white or cream. To these variants are also added the varieties known as Tabby, Tortie and Smoke.

Ears of puppies of Scottish Straight Longhair present at birth small and folded forward, as in all other breeds feline and likewise for all, with the growth of on end.

While in the Scottish Fold Longhair, after the two weeks of life they continue to remain in that position, as required by the breed standard.

The Scottish Straight Longhair differs from the Scottish Fold Longhair only in the formation of the ears, otherwise it is the same, so the brushing is perfectly the same.

That is why the frequency with which it is appropriate to brush the Scottisch Straight Longhair must be daily.

This is useful to avoid the formation of cat hairballs that would endanger the life of the animal, which could cause a feline intestinal obstruction.

In order to take care of the grooming of the Scottish Straight Longhair you can use the following accessories:

  • wide-toothed comb: very delicate on the cat’s skin, thanks to the rounded teeth;
  • Soft Bristle Cat Brush : Made with long, soft and dense bristles. Useful to eliminate dust and any other thing stuck to the hair;
  • hair remover: it will allow you to achieve the best results, no more annoying tangled furs, 5 minutes are enough to remove large quantities of residual hair.

Hygiene and cleanliness of the Scottish Straight Longhair

Having a clean cat at home is as important for your pet’s health as it is for the good of our family and ourselves

As we all know, a healthy animal owes its state of health to care and nutrition. In fact, as we all know, to have a cat with a healthy and shiny coat, it is necessary to give the animal genuine and quality products, as well as taking care to vaccinate it and take it to the controls.

The Scottish Straight Longhair, like most cats, does not like to be in contact with water, so it is advisable to create a daily routine from an early age.

Without giving him a real bath but approaching him very gently to the water.

As for the bath to be done at the Scottish Straight Longhair, it is advisable to wash it only if excessively dirty. Until now it will be enough to use sanitizing wipes for animals.

Experts recommend combing the Scottish Straight Longhair before starting to wash it to get rid of all knots. Then you can put the cat in the water gently, start washing it with cat products , then rinse and dry it carefully.

On the other hand, what mainly counts in the care of the Scottish Straight Longhair is body hygiene, i.e. brushing the teeth, cutting the nails, cleaning the ears and eyes.

To take care of the hygiene of the Scottish Straight Longhair you will need:

  • clean the cat’s teeth, with special toothpaste, every two or three weeks ;
  • clean the ears in a gentle way to remove the earwax that accumulates due to their shape;
  • the eyes must be clean to avoid infections such as conjunctivitis in cats;
  • cut the nails to prevent the cat from hurting himself and others. An act to be carried out with extreme care and delicacy, using specific scissors and moving delicately.

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