Burmilla Longhair Cat care: grooming and hygiene of the breed

How to best take care of Burmilla Longhair? Here are all the cleaning and beauty secrets for the well-being of this cat.

Taking care of the Burmilla Longhair is not just an end to a mere aesthetic question. In fact, brushing and hygiene of the coat, nails, ears and teeth of your furry cat ​​is essential to prevent the onset of skin disorders, infections and other pathologies. Let’s find out everything there is to know about it.

Burmilla Longhair hair care: brushing and bathing

The Burmilla Longhair is a cat with a long and thick coat: how to take care of it?

Considering that this variant of cats – which is very rare – has inherited the characteristic fur from the Persian ancestor Chinchilla, it is an operation that requires commitment and perseverance.

In fact, it is necessary to brush the coat of your four-legged friend daily, especially during the moulting period.

By doing so, you will be able to remove the layer of dead hair, avoiding the formation of knots and boluses.

The most suitable tools? Comb, brush and carder. The first will be used to undo any knots, the second to remove dirt, dust and residues stuck in the thick mantle of the Burmilla Longhair.

The ideal brush should have wide, long and stiff bristles. Finally, the carder will allow you to eliminate the mites. Warning: if not used properly, this accessory could damage the cat’s skin.

Handle it so that it never comes into contact with his skin. Wash the Burmilla Longhair yes or no?

In this case, given its consistent fur, bathing the cat can be a good solution to keep it clean and healthy.

The recommendation, however, is not to do it too often: once every two months will be more than enough. Tips to absolutely put into practice?

Using detergents specially formulated for the delicate skin of the cat, make sure the water temperature is not too hot or excessively cold and make sure to completely dry the cat’s fur after washing.

Finally, if you want to make your four-legged friend’s fur really shiny, you can apply the following tricks.

First of all, you need to make sure that the Burmilla Longhair’s diet is well balanced and healthy. To learn all about her diet, check out this article.

Secondly, you can choose to opt for lotions and conditioners to apply on the cat’s coat during washing, or dab the hair with a do-it-yourself solution based on water and vinegar.

Cleaning the teeth, nails, eyes and ears of the long-haired Burmilla

After examining in detail how to take care of the Burmilla Longhair’s coat, let’s find out all about hygiene of the cat’s teeth, nails, eyes and ears.

First of all, particular attention must be paid to cleaning the cat’s teeth. The accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity, in fact, could cause the appearance of diseases such as stomatitis and gingivitis.

For this reason, on the market there are special toothbrushes and toothpastes for the cat, or sanitizing spreads to be distributed on the teeth of the four legs.

What to know about Burmilla Longhair eye and ear care? Just examine them to make sure there are no excess secretions.

In this case, they can be removed with specific detergents or with the aid of a slightly moistened gauze.

Finally, with regard to nail care of Burmilla Longhair, we answer a crucial question: you need to cut the claws of the cat? The answer is: it depends.

If it is a young and active cat, which sharpens its nails by itself, this is an absolutely superfluous operation.

If, on the other hand, it is an elderly four-legged, it may be necessary to intervene.

If the claws are excessively long and compromise its well-being, it will be enough to tick the small non-vascularized portion that is located at their extremity.

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