Toothpaste for cats: the dental care for cats

To take care of the cat’s oral hygiene and always keep the breath fresh, let’s see how to prepare an excellent toothpaste for cats do it yourself.

Cats also deserve the same cleaning and care of the daily oral hygiene of the teeth and have a healthy mouth and fresh breath. Teeth cleaning should be an important part of your cat’s daily hygiene routine. Plaque and tartar are common problems in cats and without treatment can lead to costly and harmful problems.

If the bacterial plaque is not removed with the toothbrush, it begins to mineralize and turn into tartar, (a substance that cements on the teeth) that can only be eliminated with the scaler, at the veterinarian’s office.

Taking care of your four-legged friend’s teeth and gums reduces the possibility of gum problems that often lead to even very serious diseases. Eliminating odors and bad breath, effectively and thoroughly cleaning the cat’s mouth, teeth and gums is what is called excellent oral hygiene. All this you can do with the realization of a good toothpaste for cats do it yourself.

Toothpaste for cats do it yourself: useful ingredients and recipes

Try to brush the cat’s teeth every day or at least once a week, to improve the health of teeth and gums, it is not a very simple undertaking. That is why it is important that from puppies they become familiar with the tools used such as toothbrush and toothpaste.

There are toothbrushes that can be slipped on a finger that make it less impressionable for the cat and there are also special oral hygiene kits at the pet store. As for toothpaste, it is possible to make a completely natural product with substances such as: eucalyptus, calcium, cinnamon oil and other elements, completely safe, without artificial colors or flavors and it is the best thing you can do for your pet.

Below you will find some recipes for toothpaste for cats do it yourself, but remember that where it is completely impossible to clean the teeth of an adult cat, we can evaluate other forms of hygiene, such as:

  • specific crunchies with cleaning effect;
  • snacks for dental hygiene of cats;
  • professional cleaning in a veterinary clinic.

Recipes for toothpaste for cats

So let’s dedicate ourselves to the preparation of homemade toothpaste for cats, different recipes to meet tastes and needs.

  • Baking soda toothpaste: the preparation of this paste is done by dosing a teaspoon of baking soda with one of water and a few drops of cinnamon oil. The preparation is very simple just put baking soda, along with warm water and cinnamon drops, in a small bowl. Mix everything well, collect some of the mixture with the cat’s toothbrush and clean the teeth.
  • Sodium chloride toothpaste: the preparation of this paste takes place by dosing a teaspoon of sodium chloride or table salt, with one of water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. The preparation is very simple just put sodium chloride (salt), along with warm water and eucalyptus drops, in a small bowl. Mix everything well, collect some of the mixture with the cat’s toothbrush and clean the teeth.
  • Potassium chloride toothpaste: the preparation of this paste takes place by dosing a teaspoon of potassium chloride to one of water.


The advice of experts is not to use for any reason human toothpaste for the cat’s teeth, it could harm its health and create food poisoning. In addition, the cat will not be able either to rinse its mouth or to spit out the foam that toothpaste for us humans produces in abundance and that for the cat is only very dangerous and unpleasant.

In fact, toothpaste for cats must not contain foaming agents, so that they can be ingested without problems, nor fluoride or xylitol, which can be toxic substances for the cat.

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