Cat dental care: 7 useful tips for cleaning feline teeth

Dental care in felines is very important, including for their overall health. Here are 7 useful tips for cat dental care, to avoid serious health problems.

Your cat cannot tell you when she has a toothache or if she feels uncomfortable when she eats. But that doesn’t mean he can’t suffer from painful dental problems that can have serious repercussions on his overall health.

Being animals of prey, felines hide their pain and make it seem like everything is fine. Taking early action on your cat’s dental health can help prevent the development of a painful mouth and the need for surgery. Here are 7 tips for improving your cat’s dental health.

7 tips for cat dental care

Don’t ignore bad breath

The odd smell known as “kitty breath” may seem normal to pet owners, but if your cat has bad breath, it is a sign that he has dental problems.

If left untreated, your cat’s breath will only get worse. When an animal has bad breath and drool, the cause is often linked to gum disease and tooth decay.

Occasional bleeding gums are nothing to worry about, but if your cat has bad breath and drool along with this symptom, then your furry friend probably needs a deep cleaning or even a tooth extraction.

Take your cat for annual checkups

Unfortunately, a dental check -up is something most people don’t think of as a periodic visit, but cats can suffer from dental problems which, if left unchecked, can lead to really serious health problems.

Dental health is an important part of your cat’s annual visit, so don’t hesitate to get it. In addition, the veterinarian, thanks to periodic visits, will be able to evaluate the general health of your cat and its oral health.

During this visit, he will let you know when your cat will need a professional dental cleaning to improve the dental health of your four-legged friend.

Begin your cat’s daily dental care routine

It’s not too difficult to get cats used to having their teeth cleaned. However, adult cats are often more resilient, so it’s a good idea to start them young.

It is advisable to accustom cats to brushing their teeth while they are kittens by using gauze along with toothpaste made especially for felines. You can also try dipping your finger in canned tuna or chicken before rubbing it on the kitten’s gums to make the experience more enjoyable.

Once your cat understands the process, slowly switch to a bristled toothbrush. Daily brushing is the absolute best way to prevent dental disease.

It is necessary to use a toothpaste specially designed for cats, it is also possible to find it in flavors that your cat will surely appreciate. Absolutely do not brush your cat’s teeth with your toothpaste as the latter is fluoride and if ingested it can make the feline seriously ill.

Stimulate the cat’s gums 

Tooth decay in cats usually starts with sore or inflamed gums, so don’t forget to massage your cat’s gums when you can.

The gums should normally be pink and healthy, not red or sore. If these are inflamed and red then it can be a sign of dental disease in the cat.

By massaging your furry friend’s gums, you can not only speed up healing, but also strengthen the gums, so your kitty is less likely to suffer from gum problems later on.

Toys can help your cat’s dental health

Cats are predators, so part of their natural diet consists of hard bones. Chewing bones cause tartar to fall out and help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Since domestic cats don’t eat mice, some vets recommend giving them hard chew toys.

Any chew toy for your cat shouldn’t be too hard as they can cause tooth fractures. So look for toys that are made especially for cats.

Fresh water helps the cat’s teeth

Drinking helps wash away any food residue left in the cat’s mouth after a meal. These residues feed the bacteria that cause gingivitis and make your four-legged friend’s mouth uncomfortable. So make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh water to drink.

Never ignore your cat’s dental health

Cat tooth decay and gum disease are often linked to heart disease, kidney disease, and other serious chronic diseases. Don’t wait for your cat to show signs of distress to get their teeth checked.

Many cats show no obvious signs of discomfort until they are in severe pain. A daily routine of dental careannual checkups and a good diet can ensure a happy and healthy life for your cat.

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