The cat snores: causes and when you need to worry

It is well known that the cat is an animal that loves to sleep. But did you know that cats sometimes snore? Let’s find out when your snoring can be a cause for concern.

We know that often our animal friends are just like humans. But among the many strange things have you ever heard a cat snoring?

Well yes it is possible to hear the cat snore. This “noise” emission is formed by the vibration involving two main organs, the nose and the throat. Snoring occurs in the cat’s airways during the first stage of deep sleep.

If you notice that your cat snores as a puppy, you may not worry, but if the cat starts snoring suddenly, it could be a sign of something wrong. We will see below when cat snoring is a cause for concern and when not.

When the situation is harmless

Just like a human being, a cat’s sleep is also made up of cycles. There is a phase of rapid eye movement called the Rem phase where the cat’s whiskers can tremble and the paws can move.

A deeper phase of sleep, called non-Rem, where the cat is relaxed, in this case the cat can be heard snoring. If your cat’s snoring is not continuous but is heard once in a while, there is nothing to worry about.

If it happens often, but it is a habit of the cat already present since it was a puppy and does not present other symptoms of any pathologies, it is likely that it is not any disease.

We will list below the various examples of felines that tend to snore:

  • Brachycephalic cats: Brachycephalic cats are those felines that have larger heads than other species, such as Persian and Himalayan cats. These cats also have a flattened nose and a longer palate, these two being the main cause of cat snoring. So there is no cause for concern.
  • Overweight cats: an overweight cat that tends to obesity will bring with it various health problems, even serious ones. One of the problems found in obese cats is the fact that they snore. In fact, the fat surrounding their organs prevents the passage of air through the respiratory tract.
  • Unusual position: The cat may be sleeping in an unusual position which would lead to snoring.

The cat snores: when to worry

Generally snoring is normal for cats, but in some situations it could indicate that something is wrong, especially if you have never heard of snoring and is doing it for the first time.

Usually these are diseases that affect the respiratory system, the most common causes can be:

  • Bronchitis and pneumonia in cats: they are often confused with fever and cough, but to ensure that they do not get worse they must be treated immediately.
  • Asthma in cats: Many cats suffer from asthma, it is a very dangerous condition because it can lead to an attack that leaves the cat without air.
  • Feline cough: cat cough must be kept under control, as it can turn into a real infection that affects the respiratory system.
  • Paranasal polyps : these are nasal tumors that obstruct the airways, giving rise to cat snoring.

In addition to these pathologies, there are other viral infections that can affect the respiratory system of the cat and make it snore.
It is good to be careful if cat snoring is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The cat breathes with its mouth open
  • Sounds similar to snoring that the cat emits when awake: stertor, screeching, hissing
  • Apathy
  • Discharge from the eyes and nose
  • Wounds on the nose
  • Cat sneezing
  • Reverse sneeze

In case the symptoms listed above accompany the cat’s snoring, contact your veterinarian.

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