The cat scratches itself continuously: causes and remedies

the cat never stops scratching and you don’t know what it has? Let’s see what is the cause of itching and how to help a scratching cat.

With sharp nails the cat passes and passes over its fur? It risks hurting itself even more if we do not find a solution to this problem. Let’s see what are all the possible reasons why a cat scratches all the time, and figure out what is the best remedy for this problem. We will discover that, in addition to ongoing pathologies, we can also do something to help our cat not to ruin its skin and to get even quite serious wounds.

Cat hygiene between grooming and brush

Who among us has never witnessed the daily operations of grooming the cat? It is absolutely normal for a cat to spend most of its time licking its hair and cleaning itself. In fact, the activity of grooming with the tongue, which on the surface is covered with a layer of small hooks that trap the hair and pull it away, is absolutely natural. This constant cleaning activity does not exempt us from taking care of its hair with brushes, which eliminate excess hair.

But then when do we have to worry that maybe there is something wrong with them? First of all, we must consider its general state of health, because scratching can also be only a symptom but not the only one. And then we will see that its skin begins to crack, until it bleeds: before getting to that point it will be necessary to intervene.

The cat scratches: all possible causes

Having sharp claws at its disposal, the cat will seek relief by scratching whenever it feels the itch. But it will not only be the paws its allies in this operation: even the cat’s tongue, thanks to the small hooks that allow it to pull away the hair, will prove to be very useful. But what bothers the cat, to the point of tearing its skin? The causes can be different: let’s see what they are.

  • Parasites: fleas and ticks can act on the cat’s skin and cause severe itching. Even kidneys and scabies (due to a particular mite) can give them this type of discomfort.
  • Allergic dermatitis: Whether it is a parasite, a food or an external environmental factor, the skin can swell and become itchy.
  • Fungal infection: the most frequent is ringworm, but also acne in the cat, which mainly affects the chin of the cat.
  • Nutrition: if the cat’s diet lacks certain elements, such as Omega 3 fatty acids or other vitamins, its body will not be able to make its skin more resistant to external attacks. In fact, a poor diet can make the epidermis very sensitive and easily attacked by external agents.
  • Something in the hair: the coat can become a kind of ‘trap’ for small elements (such as scales or other small size). Once deposited in the hair, these mini-objects can cause itching and cause the cat to scratch.
  • Anxiety: a state of strong stress and psychological discomfort can lead the cat to obsessive-compulsive behaviors, such as scratching

The cat scratches too much: what to do

Once you notice that the cat’s skin tears to the point of bleeding and crusts and grazes form on its coat, it is appropriate to do something: yes, but what? The answer on ‘how to proceed’ can only be given by the expert, or our trusted veterinarian. Sometimes ‘halopecic’ areas can also form, where the absence of hair is clearly visible (because it has fallen).

  • If the cause is not allergic: then if it is parasites or fungi, you have to do tests on the skin and in the second case,. submit it to Wood’s lamp. In both cases the veterinarian will proceed with skin scrapings.
  • If the cause is allergic: it will be necessary to understand what is the allergen that stimulated this response of the body.

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