How to freshen up your cat: useful tips and tricks

Not sure how to cool your cat? Unfortunately, the sultry heat of these days is putting a strain on everyone, even our cats. Find out how you can help them feel a little fresher by reading this article.

It is the hottest July of all time, it is said on the news, we are given precautions for us such as “do not go out during the hottest hours”, “eat a lot of fruit” and “hydrate to the fullest”.

It should be noted that all cats suffer from heat and can have heat stroke but veterinarians recommend paying particular attention to older cats and overweight ones, as these two categories will tend to suffer more from high temperatures.

Fans and air conditioners in this period are ubiquitous in our homes.

How to cool your cat with the conditioner: some tips

Be careful not to overdo it.

Cats suffer a lot from sudden changes in temperature (for example from one room to another or even simply from a less refrigerated place to another).

  1. Always avoid exposing them to direct jet.
  2. Try setting the dehumidification. Less aggressive than the air conditioner jet, it dries the air and lowers temperatures in a more natural way.
  3. Never set the temperature below 21 degrees

How to cool the cat with the fan

Also in this case, pay attention to direct jets, they can induce colds and eye irritation.

Always check that the appliances are safe and that cats cannot injure themselves with the rotating blades.

Tricks to fight the heat

Wait for your cat to fall asleep and then position the fan low-low to keep him cool but without exposing him to danger.

Brush your cat daily, whether it is long-haired or short-haired. In fact, the felted hair traps the heat and the temperature “perceived” by your cat will be even higher than that of the atmosphere.

Everyone knows that cats and dogs cool off by panting, a process by which they exchange the warm air inside their body with the cooler air outside, so if the outside air is too hot, the animal runs cardiac risks and the possibility of suffering heat stroke.

It is therefore essential to favor this air exchange, both with fans and through the use of air conditioning. But be careful not to  bring the temperature too low: the ideal is to keep the environment between 21 and 26 degrees.

As for the use of the fan, however, it is preferable to place it at a certain distance from the animals, not only for the air currents that could cause irritation to the eyes, but also for the accidents that could happen.

The fans, in fact, are isolated from the protective grille, however, dogs and cats can still come into contact with them and injure themselves.

Other interesting and important things to know for your cat’s health:

  • in normal health, cats are much more tolerant of heat than dogs;
  • breeds with a shorter muzzle (e.g. Persian cats or bulldogs) have a harder time panting and  are more at risk.
  • The rate of humidity bothers animals more than cold or heat, in fact the humidity and heat together can make the natural thermostat created by the fur of dogs and cats useless.
  • Your cat’s behavior will tell you what to do: if he moves away from the air conditioner or fan, it means that he annoys him and maybe it is time to turn him off or raise the temperature. If, on the other hand, they get close, it means that they need coolness.
  • Remember that in particularly sultry periods, water is of vital importance!

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