Cymric Cat care: hygiene and grooming tips

The care of the Cymric is everything related to the beauty secrets of this breed, from hygiene to daily grooming.

While it is true that each breed has different needs, it is also true that in general, if you want your cat to have a healthy and long life, it is essential to take care of the coat and nutrition of your cat.

In today’s article we will focus on Cymric care from hygiene to coat grooming.

Cymric care: how to care for its coat

The Cymric is an unmistakable cat due to its bizarre and funny very short tail, which gives it a very particular walk.

Generally cats are animals in themselves very clean, in fact there are many hours spent taking care of their hygiene.

This is done by combing and polishing the coat with their coarse tongue, typical of felines.

This habit of theirs, in addition to keeping the hair clean, also has the purpose of eliminating any knots, but basically has the task of covering their own smellthat of food or the smell of its human.

In this article we will describe the necessary care for a specific breed of cat, namely the Cymric.

It is a semi-long haired, smooth and thick cat with colors: white, blue, black, red, cream, silver, tortoiseshell, cream blue, brown.

The Cymric should be brushed at least 2 times a week, more if we are in the cat moulting period (therefore in spring and autumn), when it is necessary to remove the dead coat and any fleas or other parasites.

Furthermore, to ensure good health and good looks to the Cymric, the benefits of proper nutrition should not be underestimated, which reflect on the appearance of its coat.

If you want to know more about Cymric diseases, in this article you will find a complete study.

What is the ideal brush for the Cymric

In addition to the characteristic tail, in some cases almost absent, the Cymric is also equipped with a magnificent semi-long coat that needs the right attention for brushing and for bathing.

In fact, for brushing the Cymric it is necessary to have specific accessories for grooming, to be used with extreme delicacy to avoid tearing the hair at the root and above all causing lesions on the cat’s skin.

The brushes suitable for the Cymric are :

  • comb : With well separated and blunt tips, which has the function of untying the knots in the coat;
  • stiff brush : Equipped with separate, long, stiff bristles and with the tip protected by pellets. It has the function of brushing the animal thoroughly, without however causing any damage to the cat’s skin;
  • soft bristle brush : Equipped with long, soft and dense bristles. It has the function of eliminating dust and any other thing stuck to the hair;
  • carder: It is a very useful but also dangerous accessory, you need to know how to use it so as not to injure the cat. It has the function of eliminating unnecessary hair;
  • carding glove: Which thanks to the combination of plastic-coated teeth with rigid rings combines the absolute effectiveness of sanitizing brushing with the real pleasure of a relaxing massage.
  • scissors: If you have already located some pretty important knots and all the other methods have failed, you just have to cut them.

Hygiene and cleanliness of the Cymric

The care of the Cymric includes, as it should be, also the hygiene and well-being of the animal in its entirety. It is indeed very important not to neglect any part of his body.

With the help of accessories and products suitable for the hair of the Cymric, you can proceed to clean the following areas of the body :

  • cat’s eyes : It is of great help in the prevention of both annoying infections such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis in cats;
  • ears : It should be cleaned and checked periodically to avoid the accumulation of secretions and the development of infections and skin disorders;
  • nails : Shorten the nails of the cat to prevent pain and infections caused by the growth of the same inwards, by contacting a specialist or veterinarian;
  • mouth : The daily oral hygiene of Cymric is essential and useful in avoiding diseases of the oral cavity. This can happen thanks to the use of sanitizing creams and comfortable toothbrushes, easily available in specialized stores.

For the Cymric’s bath it should be considered that this cat lives mostly in the house and at most goes to the garden, so it will be necessary to bathe no more than once a month.

Of course it is important to use products purely for cats, such as shampoo and especially conditioner. The latter is very useful for softening the fur and preventing the formation of knots and tangles.

To be able to wash this breed in peace it is always good to accustom the cat from an early age, since the Cymric is not part of the breeds of cats that love water.

Experts recommend always using lukewarm water, avoiding that the product comes into contact with eyes, ears and genitals. Ending the bath with proper drying without neglecting wet areas on the cat’s body.

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