Chausie Cat health: all the main diseases of this breed

Diseases of the Chausie cat, the pathologies that most affect this breed of cat. Let’s find out what they can be.

The main health problems that can occur during the life cycle of the Chausie cat mainly concern disorders related to the digestive system.

Since this breed has great difficulty digesting some types of food.

For this reason, if you have decided to adopt a cat of this breed, we advise you not to miss the very useful information in this article focused on the diseases of the Chausie cat.

Diseases of the Chausie cat

PiBeseth, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Chausie cat is a large-sized cat, with a muscular and at the same time agile body, slender and strong but not immune to pathologies, such as those we are going to describe.

The Chausie cat is a hybrid breed born in the 1960s, from crosses of pre-existing breeds of wild and domestic cats.

Its origins are due to some rare specimens of jungle cat (Felis Chaus) and domestic breeds such as the Abyssinian, Somali, Bengal and others.

This feline, if well cared for, can live safely even up to 14 years. To make this happen it will be necessary to learn about any pathologies that can affect this breed.

For this reason, to meet you, in this article we will describe the diseases of the Chausie that most commonly occur in this breed.

Despite this strong and robust appearance that emphasizes that it does not need demanding care, the Chausie is prone to pathologies.

These mainly concern his digestive system, as well as those pathologies that can affect all breeds of cats, without distinction.

Starting from the digestive system of the Chausie, what can occur are gastrointestinal disorders in the cat, that is all those conditions that prevent proper digestion or that alter the transit speed of the food in the digestive tract.

These gastrointestinal disorders can cause dehydration, malnutrition and other serious health problems, so it is important to recognize the symptoms early and consult your veterinarian.

The causes of gastrointestinal disorders in the Chausie cat can be of various kinds:

  • ingestion of unsuitable food; 
  • inflammation of the organs of the digestive system;
  • food intolerances or sensitivities;
  • infections and digestive enzyme deficiency.

Precisely because the Chausie cat is particularly sensitive to certain types of foods, such as those based on gluten that could cause serious intestinal problems, it is necessary to be careful about what is administered to this feline.

Only to prevent the procuring body of the cat damage such as:

  • Colitis: Causes of colitis can be tumors or polyps, diet changes, allergies (including food), ingestion of foreign bodies, and some other conditions. It causes inflammation of the large intestine, resulting in frequent and painful bowel movements;
  • Constipation : Usually caused by cat dehydration, insufficient fiber intake, ingestion of fur or foreign bodies, aging, tumors, trauma or fractures, spinal cord disease, nerve-based large intestine disorders, metabolic or endocrine disorders , debilitation, low physical activity;
  • Diarrhea : It can be caused by infections, internal parasites, stress, dietary changes, unsuitable food such as leftovers or too-rich snacks, spoiled food, and other organ dysfunction.
  • Acute gastroenteritis: Inflammation of the digestive tract, caused by the ingestion of spoiled food, foreign bodies or toxic plants, internal parasites, stress, food allergies and certain diseases;
  • Feline pancreatitis : Inflammation or infection of the pancreas (a thin, elongated gland located behind the stomach. Possible causes include reduced blood supply (due to dehydration or other pathological processes), infections, trauma and other conditions;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome : causes include food intolerances and the alteration of the transit speed of food in the gastrointestinal tract. Psychological distress can also be among the factors contributing to this pathology;
  • Intestinal malabsorption : inflammation of the small intestine which impairs the absorption of nutrients and causes persistent diarrhea, weight loss and loss of appetite in the cat.

Other common diseases in cats

These below are the most common feline diseases to deal with, whether you’ve adopted a Chausie cat or you’ve chosen to pick up a street cat.

  • Allergies: They can be of various origins;
  • Abscess: It is an infection that occurs when there are deep wounds on the cat’s body;
  • Conjunctivitis in cats: This is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye to which the cat is very subject;
  • FeLV (feline leukemia): It is caused by a virus of the retrovirus family that affects the bone marrow.
  • FIV: is a feline immunodeficiency syndrome, caused by a virus similar to human HIV which, like the latter, affects the immune system of cats and causes immunosuppression;
  • Mycosis: It is a disease caused by fungi;
  • Otitis: is the inflammation of the epithelium that covers the ear canal of the auricle;
  • Periodontitis: A disease of the cat’s mouth;
  • Mange: It is also called scabies and is caused by a mite of which there are several species and subspecies.
  • Toxoplasmosis : It is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which finds its final host in the feline to reproduce;

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