Food that are harmful or toxic to Rabbits

Rabbits are one of the most popular pets. Their lovable character and easy care make them great to welcome as a member of the family. However, it is important to pay special attention to your diet, which must be balanced and healthy. The feed is their main source of food, which we must supplement with vegetables, grass and … Read more

How much water do rabbits drink?

Rabbits are great to have as a pet. They have a friendly and good-natured character, and their care is relatively simple. One of the most common issues has to do with the amount of water rabbits drink per day . In the same way as in other animals, hydration for them is essential. There is a very curious fact about … Read more

Dwarf Rabbit: Breeding, pregnancy, reproduction, care

Can you let your apartment rabbit have babies? Answer the following questions honestly: Will you or your family have time to occupy yourself; correctly from the doe during i gestation, then from the young? Does the time of gestation (; (one month) and the rearing of the young ((two months) not fall (precisely at the time … Read more

The Giant Rabbit: breeds, care, nutrition

The giant rabbit stands out for its size and weight far from those usual for a rabbit. For this reason, before adopting a “maxi” model, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the availability of adequate space and sufficient time to ensure optimal well-being. The giant rabbit is a breed of rabbit  of greater size and weight than the traditional canons for this … Read more