Can Cats eat Frappe?

At Carnival the frappe just can’t miss in the house, they remind us of the festive atmosphere of the masks. But can the cat eat them?

Carnival has begun, maybe we are forced to stay at home and then what better way than preparing the frappe? Well said, background music, ingredients at hand and we’re ready. By now the house is saturated with the scent of frappe and here it is, cat arrives, wagging his tail and licking his mustaches asking us for some. But can the cat eat them?

Cat frappe, yes or no?

We know well that what is suitable for us is not necessarily the same for the cat, on the contrary, it could often cause discomfort.

Speaking of frappe, we must know that, being a food made up of several foods, one of these could be harmful to Fido. In this regard it is necessary to analyze the ingredients individually:

  • Wheat flour;
  • Burro;
  • Egg;
  • Sale;
  • Sugar;
  • Lemon;
  • Fry oil.

The cat is mainly a carnivorous animal, it draws its energy from the metabolism of proteins, the basis of its diet.

As far as eggs are concerned, in fact, there would be no problem: the egg white contains large quantities of proteins and, together with the yolk, they are able to guarantee a decent supply of vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates are not necessary in the diet for Kitty but, if he rarely consumed some, it would have no repercussions: the problem would arise if he ate too many of them. It would risk accumulation of intestinal gas and diarrhea, up to obesity. So the flour is in the yellow zone.

Salt, on the other hand, is really bad for the cat: the cat would have kidney problems and too much sodium chloride could lead to sodium poisoning. The sodium would retain body fluids and we would see a swollen but dehydrated cat.

As for butter, although it is a food rich in vitamins, calcium and proteins, it should not be given to the cat: it is very fat and would cause the classic symptoms of lactose intolerance in the animal, being deficient in the lactase enzyme.

Lemon is certainly one of the harmful foods for cats: due to the presence of linaloolpsoralen and limonene, cat could have the symptoms of poisoning, to which must also be added the danger of getting burned if placed in the sun (psoralen, in fact, it is also used in many tanning creams because it increases the photosensitivity of the skin).

Sugar, in reality, is not even perceived by the cat: it does not have the taste buds on the tongue that allow it to taste the sweet. However, it would still be harmful to Micio.

Sucrose would cause an accumulation of intestinal gas in the cat, which would press on the walls of the intestine itself, causing painful cramps, real colic. To add, then, the danger of developing diabetes. 

Fried food is certainly very harmful for a cat: the oily substance changes with high temperatures, releasing toxic molecules that would cause swelling and diarrhea. Too much fat could lead to obesity.

Useful tips

The fundamental thing is always to protect the health of our cat, even if we were to tell him no.

He is a greedy, he would taste everything but some foods are harmful to cats: their metabolism is particular, it is not able to digest everything and the lack of some enzymes would expose them to the risk of feeling sick.

We must respect the nature of the animal, do not think that our refusal could compromise its affection towards us: the cat quite simply when it smells the scent of food tries to eat it, it is not able to make brainy connections.

Having become a pet, its well-being depends on us. We have to think about a balanced diet for him, especially in those cases where there is a predisposition to obesity in the cat or to other diseases.

Sometimes we let ourselves get too guilty in refusing to share any of our delicacies with cat; it’s actually the best choice and that’s what your vet recommends too.

If we know, for example, that giving milk or derivatives to cat would lead him to feel bad due to lactose intolerance in the cat, why do it? Certainly it would not serve to reinforce his love for him for us on the contrary, perhaps it would associate his discomfort with the fact that we offered him food.

If we really wanted to “not make him feel bad” for our peremptory no, it would be enough to offer him a prize when he thinks of extorting our food with his sweet eyes; we would feel less guilty and he would feel happier.

Cat BreedsCat Food and Nutrition
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