Can Cats eat Bresaola?

Can cats eat bresaola? Let’s see what the possible benefits or risks that are related to the consumption of this salami.

Very often we find ourselves in a state of uncertainty where we ask ourselves if it is possible to share our food with the cat.

Assuming that the cat has a totally different gastrointestinal system from ours, we can deduce that our food is not entirely suitable for the cat.

As much as it may be greedy, these are foods that do not benefit its health, since the cat is not omnivorous but carnivorous, has specific needs regarding its diet. Let’s find out in the next paragraphs if the cat can eat bresaola.

Cat salami

Very often, we find ourselves at the table with the cat under the chair begging for our food, delicious in his eyes.

However, it is preferable to avoid giving in to the temptation to give our food to the cat.

In particular if they are cured meats, as they are foods that have no benefit on the animal’s body.

If, on the other hand, we decide to make an exception to the rule, it will be much better to opt for salami free of pepper and less fatty, such as:

  • slices of turkey or chicken breast with which to make recipes for the cat;
  • baked ham;
  • chicken or turkey frankfurters (blanched in a pan);

While with regard to pork it should be totally excluded from the cat’s diet.

Can cats eat bresaola?

To the question “Can the cat eat bresaola?” The answer is No, as it is salty and raw.

While bresaola is an excellent lean food, gluten and lactose free, very appropriate for those who need a high protein intake, it is not suitable for cats.

There are various types of bresaola, depending on the meat that is used: it can be produced starting from horse, beef, venison or pork.

Very famous is the Bresaola della Valtellina, which uses raw beef (which can also be eaten by cats but not in the form of sausage, ie bresaola).

Unlike other cold cuts such as ham, salami and mortadella, bresaola is a low-fat product, rich in proteins but like other cured meats, very rich in sodium. Which is why it is not possible to administer it to the cat.


The consumption of bresaola (even if atypical as a cured meat) can cause gastrointestinal disorders in cats.

Providing this cured meat to the cat can cause pathologies to the animal that affect the liver, such as pancreatitis in cats.

In addition, it can cause feline toxoplasmosis, a very dangerous disease for animals. A pathology that falls within the zoonoses, caused by a parasite that can be found inside raw pork, lamb and various raw sausages.

Therefore, only through cooking can we be sure of eliminating this unpleasant microorganism.

Furthermore, as we have previously mentioned, there is an excessive dose of salt that seriously damages the health of the feline, generating kidney problems, raised blood pressure and possible heart disease.

Therefore, if your cat has eaten bresaola and exhibits symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy or lack of appetite, we recommend that you notify your vet immediately.

Despite this, if the cat accidentally swallows a small slice of bresaola, there is no need to panic, as a small amount does not generate immeasurable damage.

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