Can Cat eat peach?

A fruit that in summer we love to eat at every opportunity, but can it be dangerous for our cat? Can the cat eat peach? The pros and cons.

In the United States, August is officially the month of fishing, since 1982 when President Ronald Reagan established this anniversary. If we live with a cat in the house, we certainly know how easily it approaches us while we eat this fruit and would like to taste some. But for our kitty, are there any dangers or can we give a piece of fishing without problems? So let’s find out everything there is to know about peaches and our cat.

Are peaches safe for my cat?

In summary, the answers to this question are as follows:

  • Never let a cat eat peach stones: it could choke or cause intestinal blockages. Kernels also contain small amounts of toxins.
  • Peach pulp is safe for our kitty, but in moderation. As long as we talk about a small snack that’s fine, but in large quantities it can cause diarrhea.
  • We avoid processed, canned or canned peaches. Excess sugars can cause dental problems and obesity.

So, the short answer may be: the cat can eat peach, but with some exceptions and with some things to know first.

In any case, it is always best to ask our veterinarian before proceeding. Any cat can have food allergies or intolerances.

Starting from the outside of the peach, let’s avoid making our cat eat the peel of this fruit. It may indeed contain pesticides.

Continuing, we come to the pulp, which is the safe part of the peach for our cat to eat.

Only a small piece of fruit should always be given to the cat, without exaggerating with the quantities. Caution is always the best approach.

Finally, we have the core. We must absolutely keep it away from our cat, because it is very dangerous.

Not only could it cause our cat to choke, but it could also be poisonous, because it contains amygdalin (a cyanide compound).

And we certainly don’t want our kitty to ingest something life-threatening. And there are various poisonous substances for cats.

So, the best way to give your cat a little peach is to peel one fruit, and only give one piece of pulp at a time.

Cutting it into small pieces, to be given one at a time, is the best way to avoid any kind of problem. 

In any case, we avoid any type of peach that is not fresh: canned ones contain sweeteners or preservatives that can hurt the cat’s stomach.

The pitfalls that peaches hide

As we should do for any food, it is best to proceed by doing a little test first. Our cat may in fact have an allergic reaction to fishing.

Too much peach pulp at one time, or even the fact that it’s a new food, can upset your cat’s digestive system.

Any food that our cat is not used to could cause stomach pain, but also diarrhea or vomiting .

Furthermore, if we do not know the source of the fruit, it is always better to remove the peel because – as we said at the beginning – it could contain pesticides and chemicals.

Of course, for us humans it is enough to wash the fruit before eating it, but in the case of pets it is always better to avoid the peel altogether.

Kernels, in addition to the dangers of suffocation and the poisonous substances they contain, can also break while the cat chews them.

And the fragments could cause irritation to the cat’s digestive tract , but also intestinal blockages and enteritis if the cat were to eat them.

So if we are used to having peaches in the house, or if we have a tree in the garden, it is better not to leave easy access for the cat.

Even the external parts (stems and leaves) can in fact contain the poisonous substances contained in the stone.

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