What to do if the cat scratches itself

Like all animals, including humans, the cat scratches itself but there is a way and way to do it. If we see that this activity is particularly frequent and annoys him a little, it is better to investigate and ask yourself what to do if the cat scratches itself all day.

More often than not, when it is not just a simple itch, other associated behaviors may be noted. For example, some cats in addition to scratching with their paws rub against the objects they find or lose some hair. They may or may have areas with rarefied or red hair due to dermatitis. In severe cases, when scratching becomes very insistent, scabs and wounds with blood and pus can also be created.

With symptoms such as the last described, it is clear that this is not an occasional itch, there is a most likely pathological cause to be identified and on which to intervene.

What to do if the cat scratches itself

If we notice that our cat scratches itself more than ever, it is important to observe it carefully to understand if it happens at particular times of the day or in correspondence with some internal or external actions. The areas of the body where you scratch are also significant and can make us understand what kind of problem it is.

When the back itches, it could be a flea bite, for example, while if the head and neck itch, it is more likely that it is a food allergy.

In any case, when the cat scratches itself continuously and insistently, it can create lesions by itself that should not be overlooked. For example, it could be the subject of bacterial superinfection and in any case struggle to heal due to the continuous scratching.

If we neglect our animal and let it scratch itself freely, the problem worsens and it becomes more and more difficult to understand what caused it and how to intervene. Starting from the ears, the problem can also spread to the neck and muzzle and so on. Various phenomena can be concentrated in these areas. For example, it can be a mosquito bite as well as atopic and food dermatitis which usually starts from the head and neck.

What to do if the cat scratches itself: causes

There are many reasons why a cat starts scratching, it goes from the most trivial causes to those that should make us worry. Let’s try to see the most common, such as allergies that can be to fleas or food, or it can be mange, otodectic mange (ear mites) or notoedric. Other rather common causes are for example atopy and mycoses, or bacterial infections and infestations by Cheyletiella, Trombicula autumnalis.,

Fleas are certainly one of the most probable causes of the itch that makes our cat scratch so much, and that is why we dedicate a discussion to them. Many believe that only stray cats can have fleas and are almost offended if the vet makes this hypothesis about our home cat. This can lead us to underestimate the problem and therefore not to catch it in time. When a cat has an allergy to flea saliva, it scratches itself and the flea can enter our homes in a thousand different ways, even through our shoes.

What to do if the cat scratches itself: remedies

Waiting to see if it passes on its own is not always a good strategy in the case of itching because in the meantime the cat can get injured or can create deep inflammations that are then difficult to heal. We therefore try to take the cat to the vet almost immediately in order to prevent the problem from degenerating and giving rise to infections, including bacterial.

There are several ointments for the hair of cats but using them without first talking to a veterinarian, we could in fact cause the opposite effect. The different causes require pharmacologically different remedies and do-it-yourself is definitely risky.

To decrease the chances that our cat has hair problems, we can take better care of it.

This involves a healthy diet and lots of brushing. As for nutrition, obviously do not save on quality and choose products of reliable brands, except to offer your cat some meals prepared personally by you with criteria (no to “random leftovers”).

Also valid and recommended are the new supplement products rich in vitamins and fibers suitable for periods in which you see your cat “a bit sluggish”.

To brush your cat’s fur, in addition to the usual brushes that you surely already have.

In addition to providing relief from itching, without irritating the skin, your cat will feel super-cuddled and will certainly appreciate it!

Each glove is also equipped with a strap to ensure a perfect fit to the hand.

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