What to feed the vomiting cat: here is the light diet

The causes of vomiting in cats can be many, they can be symptoms of serious or less serious diseases. But can the cat stay fast? Absolutely not, that’s what you need to feed the vomiting cat.

It can happen that our beloved cat may throw up both occasionally and frequently. There can be many reasons, but once you have found the cause, what can you feed the vomiting cat?

As we have said, the causes of vomiting in cats can be many, usually the cat vomits occasionally, as being a very clean animal, during its cleaning it happens that it ingests hairballs that cause it to vomit.

We must worry when the cat may vomit frequently, as in this case we can find pathologies in the cat, such as food intolerances or allergies, or real diseases.

It is advisable to take the feline to the vet, who once discovered the cause may recommend subjecting the cat to a light diet.

What to feed the vomiting cat: here is the light diet

If the cat suffers from vomiting, the specialist may decide to keep it fasting for up to 24 hours. However, it is possible to give him some water. When the cat can eat again, he will have to follow a light diet.

The light diet consists of eating foods that are easy to digest, absolutely low in fat and fiber and composed of only one type of protein. An example of a light diet can be listed below:

  • Low-fat ground beef with added white rice
  • Always low-fat ground turkey with rice
  • Chicken breast only, to be boiled or steamed
  • Boiled chicken breast with white rice

It is possible to replace rice with pumpkin, even if it contains a lot of fiber, they are still soluble fibers that is, they absorb water from the digestive tract thus slowing down digestion.

Once the food has been placed in the bowl, it is advisable to add a small amount of water to give it moisture.
It is necessary not to give the cat large meals, as they can upset the gastrointestinal system of the feline which is already delicate.

During this diet it is necessary not to give other types of food to the cat, not even treats, with the exception of probiotics. If you plan to add any food to your cat’s diet, always contact your veterinarian.

The light diet is appropriate to rest the cat’s gastrointestinal tract, but it must not be administered for a long time, a few days are enough. When the normal diet is reintroduced, it is advisable to do it gradually, initially mixing the two diets.

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