Nutrition for Neutered Cats: what can you feed them

A neutered feline not only changes its character but also needs to change its diet. Here is what is the nutrition for neutered cats.

Felines that are spayed can no longer reproduce as spaying involves removing the cat’s reproductive organs. This removal affects the hormonal state of our four-legged friend, who no longer feels the need to reproduce, presents a change in his behavior.

But to have changes it is not only the latter but also the feeding of the cat. Let’s see together what foods the sterilized cat can eat and above all how often it needs to be fed.

Sterilized cat: right nutrition

A neutered cat tends to stay indoors, consequently reducing its movements both day and night. Furthermore, the metabolism of a feline that has undergone this type of operation is reduced to less than 20% and the cat tends to be hungrier and therefore to gain weight.

For this reason, in order to prevent the cat from becoming obese, it is important to provide a correct diet, also taking into account the quantity, for the sterilized cat. The main substance that a neutered cat’s diet must contain is fiber.

In fact, the latter reduces the absorption of fats in the intestine and also has the ability to increase the sense of satiety of our furry friend. It is necessary that proteins are also present in the cat’s diet, as a deficiency of the latter could lead the cat to lose muscle mass and not fat.

While it is very important that the least amount of fat is present in the diet of a neutered cat. As the cat needs less energy and therefore does not need another calorie content.

Dry food or wet food?

As we have seen previously, a neutered cat will need more fiber and protein. The two nutrients are divided differently in both dry and wet food. In fact, in dry food, that is crunchy, we can find more fiber, while in wet food more proteins. For this reason it is recommended to evaluate both foods for the cat’s diet.

However, some scientists have stated that it is preferable to offer the neutered cat wet food. This is because the feline that has undergone this operation tends to accumulate mineral salts in the bladder, which can cause the birth of stones in the cat.

Since cats don’t drink a lot, wet food that contains water causes the cat to unwittingly take liquids that can avoid this health problem. Finally, homemade food is not recommended, unless you have first spoken to a nutritionist veterinarian.

How much should he eat?

A visit to the vet is required to know when to eat a neutered cat. The latter will be able to tell you the quantities of food to divide during the day. Usually the food is divided into 2-3 times a day, but it may happen that the specialist advises you to make small portions divided into several times during the day.

Finally, it is necessary to always offer the cat clean and fresh water, even if the cat will not drink much while not doing any activity. For this reason it is also recommended to encourage the cat to do physical activity, perhaps playing with him.

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