How to understand if the cat does not see well

Do you suspect that your cat has vision problems but you’re not sure? Here’s how to tell if the cat doesn’t see us well.

We often underestimate the importance of the sense of sight for our pets, thinking that the sense of smell is more important and tending not to consider the problem. The risk is that a possible eye disease can worsen, until our 4-legged friend loses its sight altogether. That is why it is very important to understand in advance when the cat does not see us well!

The importance of sight in cats

Sight is a very important sense in our cat’s life. For this feline, hunter of nature, it is a precious weapon, as much as its agility and claws. Cats have excellent eyesight, especially in the dark: it is no coincidence that the wild cat prefers the early hours of dawn in order to hunt effectively.

Of course, our little living room tiger does not need to procure food on its own in order to survive. But this does not mean that the predatory instinct does not play an important role in his life: it helps him to keep active, to preserve the ideal weight, and to remove feline stress.

For this reason, vision problems should not be underestimated; therefore, if the cat does not see us well, it is necessary to intervene in a timely manner.

How to tell if the cat does not see us well

The problem with our pets, when we talk about health, is always the same: obviously they are not able to communicate our discomfort, and that is why it is essential to always keep an eye on the body language of our cat and if its habits change over time.

Of course, you may think that it is obvious to understand if the cat does not see us well, but it is not really so: one thing is if the cat, which has always had excellent eyesight, suddenly begins to accuse vision problems; other if instead he was born with genetic problems in the eyes.

The first, accustomed to using this fundamental sense, will be disoriented and will not be able to do the things he did before; the second, on the other hand, will be able to get used to the condition and lead a substantially normal life.

The symptoms that the cat does not see us well

Here is a series of signals that must trigger the alarm on the sight of the cat

  • It slams into the furniture: it is the most banal of the symptoms, which on the other hand also affects us. What short-sighted person has never looked for glasses resting somewhere, slamming everywhere? It’s a bit the same for the cat, used to use the view to orient himself among the various pieces of furniture;
  • Cat on guard: the sight makes the cat safer; if suddenly everything gets dark, an animal already so guarded in itself, will be more afraid of any suspicious noise of which it does not understand the origin;
  • The cat no longer plays: it is a natural consequence of the first two symptoms. A cat that no longer sees us is afraid, and above all it cannot be able to play if it is not able to avoid obstacles and get hurt. Game aside, it will generally tend to move less, with important repercussions on mood and health;
  • Walk slowly: Of course the cat will tend to move less, although on some occasions it will not be able to do without it, as for feeding or to do the needs. Most likely you will see that he will advance at a slow pace, as if scrutinizing the air and the obstacles that stand in front of him.

How to behave

If you suspect that your cat does not see us well, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Of course, there are some small tests you could do at home, such as waving a game (even a simple stick) in front of the cat and seeing its reaction.

If it is not attracted to the game, especially if it has no eyes, it most likely has vision problems. It being understood that the final response must be only of the veterinarian; also because ascertaining that your cat does not see us well is not enough, it is necessary to understand what is the pathology causing the problem.

Among the main causes, in fact, we can include:

  • Feline diabetes
  • Cataract
  • Uveitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Tumour
  • Infections

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