How to take care of the hairless cat: all you need to know

Some types of cats are very loyal, but require special attention: here’s how to properly care for a hairless cat.

Hairless cats, also known as naked cats, are among the most adorable cats. They can be incredibly loyal but they also require a lot of attention. Caring for a hairless cat can involve a lot of hard work since he doesn’t have any fur to protect him from external attacks. If you are considering adopting a naked cat, here are some tips for its care so that you are completely ready to welcome this affectionate pet into your home.

How to bathe a naked cat

The first thing you should know about caring for a hairless cat is that it needs frequent baths. The fur in animals helps evaporate sweat from the skin and maintain the right oiliness. Due to the lack of fur, naked cats have incredibly oily and sweaty skin. This means that cats like sphynix need weekly baths to have clean, healthy skin.

Bathing should be done using warm, but not hot, water and a pet shampoo with no added fragrances. You can also contact your vet for more specific advice. When bathing your naked cat, make sure you have rinsed all the shampoo off, as any residue could end up annoying his delicate skin once it dries. You should also dry your cat completely immediately after bathing to prevent it from becoming cold due to residual moisture.

Care of the hairless cat

While hairless cats don’t need someone to brush their fur, they still need basic care like nail trimming, ear cleaning, and acne care. Without hair as a physiological barrier, they are more prone to dirt build-up in these specific areas, so it’s important to check them often.

Ear Cleaning: These cat breeds, such as Sphynx or elf cats, have no hair in their ears. This can cause earwax and dirt to build up, leading in severe cases to a complete blockage of the ear canal, which would make the cat deaf.

For thorough cleaning, be sure to use a soft cloth or wet wipe to gently wipe it inside the cat’s ears. Ear cleaning is best done immediately after bathing, as the ear wax will have softened. You can also use a cotton swab or ear cleaner made especially for cats, but never one for us humans. In any case, it is always best to consult your veterinarian before using any type of device to clean the cat to avoid complications.

Clipping their nails: Hairless cats obviously have no hair on their paws, which means they are more sensitive to dirt, dust and any other kind of things usually found between their nails – trimming them regularly helps keep them clean. Be sure to use a cat nail clipper and avoid cutting too close to the skin to avoid injury. If you are unsure, contact your vet and ask him to show you how to properly trim your cat’s nails.

Acne Care for Naked Cats: Due to direct contact with external agents, these cats are prone to acne, just like humans. Dirt can accumulate in the skin and cause the appearance of blackheads, the cleaning of which is essential to avoid future more serious skin problems. The best way to get rid of them is to gently scrub the part with warm water and a mild antibacterial soap. For the most suitable one for your cat, you can ask for advice at the authorized point of sale.

Maintaining the body temperature of a hairless cat

Sphynx are among the  most common hairless cat breeds and symbolize this category, which is incredibly vulnerable to hot and cold temperatures. Maintaining a constant body temperature for a hairless cat can be difficult in all seasons. One of the reasons sphynxes are so cuddly is because they love to warm up with your body heat. One way to make sure they stay warm despite the cold temperatures is to provide them with plenty of blankets to wrap themselves up. You can also pop up a heated igloo for cats to provide them with extra warmth.

Some people like to dress up their cats but it’s important not to force your pet. Some cats love clothes while others definitely don’t, so pay attention to your behavior when you dress them to see if they love this practice or not. Since hairless cats’ skin is so oily and sweaty, their clothes will need to be washed often.

Another way the Sphynx can stay warm is thanks to its rapid metabolism. This means it will need to be fed more frequently to adapt to the cold of winter. Sphynx are also notorious for not being very sophisticated in eating, so it won’t be a problem to have them fed often, as long as they are still healthy and nutritious.

The Sphynx can also overheat quite easily, so keeping it in a very airy environment is one of the strategies to adopt on hot and humid days.

Final tips for caring for the hairless cat

What makes these cats such devoted pets is their temperament. Sphynx cats, for example, need a lot of affection, socialization and attention. If you are unable to give this to these cats they can become heartbroken and depressed. An easy way to avoid loneliness in your hairless cat is to give him a companion. Sphynx are not only friendly to their owners, they are also great around other cats and are great dog friends too.

Sphynx cats are some of the best companions a cat owner can have. But this unbreakable bond takes some work to do. These tips will help you take care of your hairless companion so you can enjoy many happy years together.

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